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Tim Wright
`n. .rP' `qb ,dP' TLb. ,dMP' all rite, now you get the chance to read TML.dMMP some facts about some of the major amiga ,nmm`XXMPX musicians. read about their history in ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb. the scene and their plans in future.yes, ,d~' dNNP `YNTb. that's meant to be read while listening to ,~ ,NN' `YNb their modules. read 'em over and over and over.. dNP `Yb. ,NN' `b. · i n t e r v i e w · ___________ ______dP _____________ \ / \ ,N'\____ _____________. _____ \ \_____. ____\ / \___P___/ .\--\__ __/__ |--\____)---\ _____/__ |--\_ \ _/ | | | \ | | \__| | _ \ / | \__| | /\ | | _| | | _l_ | | \ / _l_ | ___| l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\ /l___/===\______l____/ \/ Handle: Pulsar / Tim Wright of J.B.I. ( Jester Brothers International ) / CoLD SToRAGE Group: J.B.I. / Jester Interactive! Date of birth: 31 July 1967 When I was 10yrs old - 1977. I saw computers in Star Wars and thought - wow, if only we could have those now. Then I discovered the Commodore PET!!! I had a VIC20 then a C64 then an Amiga500 then Amiga1200. I now have over 40 old 8-bit computers in my collection, including the above and most of the classics ( Spectrum, C16, C+4, Amstrads, Texas Instruments, etc.... ) I did GFX and coding too - I just enjoyed music writing more. I've been writing music since I was 4 or 5yrs old. I used Rockmonitor on C64, Soundtracker & Bars & Pipes & MUSIC X on Amiga, CuBase, Logic, Fastracker and many others on PC, MUSIC2000 on PlayStation 1. My music for the Puggsy demo got me my place at Psygnosis, but my all time favourite MOD is hard to choose. I did good work with Agony, Leander and later on with a game on Megadrive that used MOD's called Phoenix Rising. Some of my earlier tunes really sound amateur now - even though I was pleased at the time. My music for Lemmings was at one stage the only music that people knew of ( not the best thing to be measured by!! ) but at least people know of some of my other works now. It's vital. Try turning the sound off in a demo a game or a film. It's dead. I still compose for pleasure, but for a living I actually design music sequencers for consoles. I designed the MUSIC products created by Jester Interactive and published by Codemasters. There's so much music out there now you could never ever listen to it all. Has this cheapened it? I don't know. But it's great that people are enjoying themselves writing all this great stuff. Regardless of how many MP3's are being generated there hasn't been a sudden increase in talent, that stays fixed - it's just the number of talented people with access to equipment to realise their work has increased. Indeed! C64 - Flash Gordon loading music by Rob Hubbard. Amiga - "Trip to Mars" & "Cream of the Earth". As for 'real' music, there are so many 'good' songs it's so hard to pick just a few - but I'd pick some from Trance, Orchestral, Metal, Rock, Ambient, and pretty much any other category bar Country & Western which I just can't get a taste for! ;oP I have done! http://www.zottmann.com/immortal.html Loads. I have a VERY diverse collection of music. Love for computers and the scene. Dedication to a cause. Something great to look back on and bore my grandchildren with. A job. A shot at fame! Heheh! Not really in the scene itself, but I stay in touch with some people and if the chance came to do something unique I might be tempted! :O) Hi to everyone in J.B.I. !!! Everyone at Jester Interactive. Thanks to everyone for the support and kind words over the years and a big thank you to my family for all the times I should have been with them instead of working at a VDU!!! Big thanks to my Brother Lee Wright for putting up with me and working to hard by my side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2002 by crown of cryptoburners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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