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Mark Cooksey
`n. .rP' `qb ,dP' TLb. ,dMP' all rite, now you get the chance to read TML.dMMP some facts about some of the major amiga ,nmm`XXMPX musicians. read about their history in ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb. the scene and their plans in future.yes, ,d~' dNNP `YNTb. that's meant to be read while listening to ,~ ,NN' `YNb their modules. read 'em over and over and over.. dNP `Yb. ,NN' `b. · i n t e r v i e w · ___________ ______dP _____________ \ / \ ,N'\____ _____________. _____ \ \_____. ____\ / \___P___/ .\--\__ __/__ |--\____)---\ _____/__ |--\_ \ _/ | | | \ | | \__| | _ \ / | \__| | /\ | | _| | | _l_ | | \ / _l_ | ___| l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\ /l___/===\______l____/ \/ Handle: Mark Cooksey Group: -- Date of birth: 18/01/1966 Using computers at school around 1982 and then increased interest with the 1st home computer that I bought in 1984 which was an Oric Atmos. Oric atoms 32k, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, Sanyo 286 PC. I still have the Oric and the C64 the others I gave away to a cancer charity so that they could sell them for a small amount of money. I applied for a job at Elite systems in february 1985 as a trainee games programmer. To prove that I knew something about assmembly language programming they gave me the task of writing a music player in 6502 for my Oric computer. They wanted me to also programme a tune using this player and this music was the theme tune to Airwolf. I got a job at Elite on this basis, and of course was roped into doing music from that point on. So really it was by accident, if they had asked me to write a sprite routine perhaps I would have been doing graphics instead. I use at the moment Logic Audio Platinum on the PC. Previously I have used Cubase PC and Logic Notator on the Atari ST. Difficult to say. At lot of the early stuff was really bad because the music player programme I was supplied with was very simple, only about 50 lines of code. When I wrote my own custom player for the C64 the quality improved. I'm most remembered for the C64 version of Ghosts 'n' Goblins all though I dont think this was the best music I've ever done. My personal favourites on the C64 are Felix (title tune) and some of the music in Storm Warrior. I think the worse music I ever did was for the C64 version of Frank Bruno's boxing. They asked me to do the music on a Thursday and I was going on holiday for 2 weeks the next day. So I took the Rocky theme tune and bodged it together really quickly and then made a quick get away to my holiday. I hadn't written my own music player at the time and so the combination of a crap music routine, and doing the tune in a couple of hours, led to a really awful and eminently forgettable music track! Music is most important in demos or games. Especially in todays almost movie like PC and console titles. Like in a movie the music can set the atmosphere of the game and portray danger and inspire emotions at relevant points, if done correctly. I compose both professionally and for leisure as well. I'm doing a lot of Gameboy music at the moment. This pays reasonably well but isn't that artistically fulfilling. Also I have arranged the Ghosts'n Goblins theme using modern synth technology for a commercial CD called Back In Time II which features modern arrangements of C64 game music, composed by the likes of Rob Hubbard and Martin Galway etc. Chris Abbott who masterminded this CD as also asked me to do 2 tunes for the next CD in the series i.e Back In Time III. To this end I have arranged some Storm Warrior tunes which Chris may use on this CD. Chris's website (www.c64audio.com) has loads of demos on it and I think my music may appear there at some point in the future (hopefully). If you mean the formats of the music then I think we have taken a big leap forward, especially with MP3. It means music is accessible to more people and makes internet download times for tunes more realistic. On a pesonal basis MP3 means I can take all my old tapes, records etc. and convert them to MP3 then put them on A CD. I can fit loads of albums and tapes on 1 CD. The only downside to MP3 (and the other formats to some degree) is the piracy issue which costs the record industry lots of money. (Perhaps they should drop the prices of CDs, especially in Britain, most chart CD's cost about £15.) I liked a lot of Rob Hubbard stuff on the C64. When I first heard 'Thing On A Spring' it really blew my mind. Other tunes I liked were 'Crazy Comets' and 'Delta'. I don't have any plans to re-master old computer games music other than the stuff for Chris Abbott. However over the years I have produced lots of full music tracks which I may consider releasing on a CD if there is any demand for it. Of course I have produced a demo CD with some full length tracks and some excerpts of tracks which I use when attempting to secure music contracts. I've really got a very broad musical taste, the only music I dont like is really over the top opera, over improvised jazz and some of the really heavy metal and punk sounds. At the moment I quite liking listening to bands such as The Corrs, The Stereophonics and some of the Pet Shop Boys tracks. On a lighter note, before going out on the town I like listening to dance music to get me in the mood or something like the Cher 'Believe' album. The C64/Amiga scene got me known as a musician in the games industry and has led to me doing my hobby (music) as a job for over 15 years. Although I have never earnt megabucks I have been happy in the main doing music as a career. Even the really bad stuff I did now gives me pleasure cause I can look back at it and laugh about it and consider how things have moved on in those 15 years. Programming Gameboy music and doing music for the Back In Time CD's means that to a degree I am still in the scene. Hopefully there is a long and fruitful future in producing music for computer games. If not I'll have to get a proper job along with all the other pawns in the rat race. I'd like to say Hi to Pete Connelly, Chris Brighton, Chris Abbott and all the other musicians I've met who have been able to teach me new ideas and hopefully they have learnt something off me too. Finally I'd like to say a big thanks to all the companies and individuals who have given me work over the years (especially the ones who pay on time) and to my friends and family who have supported me through the good times and bad. (Good grief! can you imagine my Oscar acceptance speech if I ever won one). Cheers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2001 by crown of cryptoburners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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