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Handle: Tripper
Real Name: Ville Sarell
Lived in: Finland
Ex.Handles: Void
Was a member of: Cubicle pc, Liquid Skies Records (LQS), Moods (MDS), mOOds pLAtEAU (MDS), Reason (RSN), Styrox, Sulpu, Void

Modules: 67  online
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.:: 67 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
a droid in my head Tripper MOD 208Kb
altparty Tripper XM 482Kb
As_it_goes Tripper DBM 142Kb
Ballet Cosmique Tripper DBM 523Kb
Beat_your_way_out Tripper DBM 30Kb
Beyond Reality Tripper DBM 3948Kb
Boy and his funky mother Tripper DBM 309Kb
Boyfunky Tripper XM 277Kb
Breach in the Wall Tripper DBM 1707Kb
bucket Tripper MOD 142Kb
Bura-Caps_C Tripper DBM 592Kb
Chippendale Tripper DBM 7Kb
Cinderella&Clown Tripper MOD 28Kb
compiler Tripper MOD 259Kb
Cranberry Tripper MOD 27Kb
deeper Tripper MOD 212Kb
demomusa Tripper MOD 95Kb
Dummy_Bicycle Tripper DBM 342Kb
Fantasy_meets_Newage Tripper DBM 454Kb
HARD_Drivin' Tripper DBM 651Kb
High_Momentum Tripper DBM 485Kb
High_Momentum Tripper XM 440Kb
hypnotic Tripper MOD 25Kb
hyppiva_munkki Tripper MOD 8Kb
in_too_deep Tripper MOD 274Kb
kick it Tripper MOD 289Kb
Los Weirdos Tripper MOD 28Kb
medievil Tripper MOD 329Kb
mika & niko beat Tripper MOD 376Kb
mindwaves Tripper MOD 456Kb
mme - 2 Doc Mike & Tripper MOD 136Kb
Momentum Tripper DBM 486Kb
monobeats Tripper DBM 339Kb
muuntaja Tripper MOD 203Kb
plastic Tripper MOD 205Kb
prepare_yourself Tripper MOD 195Kb
pulsation Tripper MOD 286Kb
Purple_Squirrel Tripper MOD 10Kb
Raving_Preacher Tripper DBM 181Kb
reactor Tripper MOD 247Kb
RollerCoaster Tripper DBM 860Kb
Serialkiller Tripper DBM 2305Kb
Shooting_Star Tripper DBM 2347Kb
Short_Drum Tripper DBM 309Kb
Skizzy remixed Tripper MOD 20Kb
Skobe Tripper MOD 199Kb
skyline Tripper MOD 172Kb
SlowFood Tripper DBM 258Kb
Spin_Session Tripper DBM 415Kb
streetparty Tripper MOD 325Kb
Sweet_Juice Tripper DBM 767Kb
Swirly Ocean Tripper DBM 473Kb
Swirly Ocean-long edit Tripper DBM 473Kb
systeme nerveux Tripper MOD 147Kb
the mind trap Tripper MOD 263Kb
Time_Distortion Tripper DBM 842Kb
Time_Gate Tripper DBM 843Kb
Tiny Brave Warrior Tripper DBM 7Kb
Tomaatti Tripper DBM 6Kb
Toolo by Night Tripper DBM 515Kb
trip to goa Tripper MOD 311Kb
Upperground Tripper DBM 704Kb
vaihtoehtokalsari Tripper MOD 14Kb
Wash_and_go Tripper DBM 27Kb
Wash_and_go Tripper MOD 28Kb
World of Ignorance Tripper DBM 310Kb
_Dreaming_ Tripper DBM 423Kb

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