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What iAMP?! 

AMP Project was started in the year 2000 but gradually grew during several years to what it currently is. Read in the following paragraph how it was started and what we are planning to do out of it. There is a meaning behind the three capital letters: "AMP", it's all for you to read! Have fun...

All About AMP...

Association for Amiga Music Preservation (AMP) is a non profit association that consists at present of two persons: Crown & Curt Cool. It's likely some assistant join us in the near future.

What Do We Do?

We are running the most comprehensive, complete and precise database we can about amiga music. That means that we gather all the music but also information about & interviews of amiga musicians. It's a huge project as you can see. But we are motivated!

The point isn't to make money nor to spread tunes to everybody but to make sure time won't make disappear this part of our common memory.

You understand we don't only concentrate on the past but on ALL the period of amiga's music creations: Past, Present, Future. We have now reached a point when it gets nearly impossible to continue without your help. That's the reason why we cry and we want to be heard! ;)

Yes we are amiga enthusiasts. Sure thing! We have worked on the the development of the 2nd generation amiga music ripper going by the name of "Serial Ripper" (we need a coder to continue the work of Dr.Ice, source code available on demand!). Make sure to check the first released version in the download section of AMP.

Our Motivation

Unless you don't understand english, you most certainly understand that we like the amiga music quite much. It is to be said we also have a lot of respect for some amiga musicians. We have now spent several years on collecting as many modules and exotic formats as we could possibly find as well as all information we could gather about musicians.

Both of us are still active in today's zZZz sleeping zZZz scene and we have been for many years. That's no secret we have had loads of good moments. And that's what we don't want to forget.

Unfortunately that "quest" of ours cannot be done without your help. It hurts us to think that some amiga music is lost forever. We know it's already the case and we put a lot of effort on contacting all possible musicians we can find, and ask for their mods. We also rip from all the productions we can possibly find. But it's not enough. We have a total of over 60.000 tracks so far and we believe there are lots and lots more that were never heard, spread or ripped. We have created 16 cds that contain non packed musics and it's likely we can go up to 40 cds.

Those music (as well as graphics, demos, etc..) are part of amiga's history and of yours as well. They have to be preserved one way or another. We are here for that. (so we were told).

What Do We Need?

  • This is our basic need. As told earlier we have +60.000 but we need more. There is no preferred format and you can submit protracker, sound/noisetracker and all exotic formats that exist (future composer, tfmx, sound fx,...). We are also after pc formats such as screamtracker, fasttracker, etc...
  • In order to ease your work we have included our lists to this archive. You can have a look if it pleases you. Of course you don't have to check all musics you send us. We do the dirty job! ;)
  • Amiga games musics are also very welcome.. you can check our lists if you like. you can see we like them a lot! :)
  • That's a vast demand isn't it? Well, let us explain... The infos we need mainly refer to the musicians (how logical) and here is how we need them:
  • Musician Handle (today's handle)
    His ex-Handle(s)
    His Group and ex-Group(s).
    His Family + Given Names and Nationality.
    His Email and/or Site Address.
    [if possible his snail mail address/phone].
  • Why all this you wonder? Simply because many musicians changed their handles during their composing period and it can get tricky at times to find out who did what!?! Believe us.. Our aim is to also to can get in touch with the musician by email/snail mail. And it helps knowing some names.
  • We are also after all possible pictures of amiga musicians. If you have some shots that very much interests us. Scans of all sorts, etc... Or if he/they (musicians) kindly sent you their photo?! All those...
  • Demos, Musicdisks, Packs, etc... are a great source of ripping material for us. There are always stuff that we never got to see, and it's likely you have some rare ones (prods) on disks, hard drives. We also have lists of what we currently have so it's easy for us to check.
Cd Roms, Disks, Hard Drives:
  • As an active (ex)scener, it's possible that you have some cd-roms that contain some material of the kind that we are searching for. Or maybe you have a collection of mods, made a backup, etc..? Any formats are accepted - just tell us about it first, and we'll sort something out - no format is too strange =). We will gladly review them as well!

Who Can Help?

Basically anyone! That means sceners and non sceners. Famous and lamers =). All those that touched an amiga are likely to be able to help. You too have/have had a lot of good moments with your amiga and it's now time you give a bit of your time to prevent the music from being lost forever.

If you have been ripping music, if you are a composer, or just someone who, for some reason happen to have some amiga music from a friend/ex. groupmember/ ex. user on your board/(ex.)-lover/..., tell us about it, and we'll by all means sort something out!

It doesn't matter how little you actually think you can help. There is always one way or another you can do something for us.

What Can You Do?

Think: What do you have that could be of help? (Check the "What do we need" column). Do you have an address book in which the family+given names of some amiga musicians are written? Do you have some internal mags that were sent to the members of your (ex) group(s)?!Do you have disks, cd roms, etc.. with mods? Are you in contact with some amiga musicians or do you know some people that are?

Contact us: Let's talk about it and see what you want to do, if you'd like to join, support continuously etc. But please, no 200Mb emails without contacting first... ;-) For joining as an assistant check the submit area.

Send: Modules or module lists - big or small, many or few. What you have to understand is that although you may feel your contribution will be too little (you only know his family name, you only have 3 mods, etc..) it can still be a great help to us. And it certainly will make our day! :)

There are lists in this archive so have a look at them, you can find out some mods whose author is unknown to us or/and provide some extra information.

We also included an interview form. Answer it if you are a musician and/or send it to people that you think should be interviewed. We Want ALL musicians interviewed. No matter if you/they composed only few tunes!

Some composers (doh, optic, curt cool, etc..) are still composing on the amiga. Some releases see the light still (check trsi) and we want today's modules as well! :)

Of course, best is anyway we have some discussions by email, phone, snail mail... Then we know how we shall proceed. Just drop us a line we are always pleased.

What Do You Get?

As this is a non profit association, you are very unlikely to get dollars. (they are also too expensive these days) ;) Seriously, we couldn't think of letting you down. All material that we have end on cd roms (they say it's time proof). We think it's a good idea you get a cd or such with mods?!

Now this part concerns the musicians that wish to contact us... Many of the composers we have been able to contact have lost or partly lost or integrally the music they composed (hd crash, selling their amiga and disks, etc..) and were happy when we could provide them with the tunes they couldn't retrieve. You might not be too proud of your early compositions and you may feel uncertain about sending them further. Please keep in mind that they are part of your own and the scene's history and as such need to be preserved. And they aren't going to be spread or uploaded to sites if you don't want it. You might like to hear them (with nostalgia) in few years and get your (grand) children to listen to them. On the cd we will return your favour, all tunes are unpacked and multi platform. Check the deliplayer for pc, it plays virtually all amiga sound formats.

Some people ask us if we could send them all the mods from certain composers, etc.. It is virtually impossible for us to do so to everyone unless of course something has been sent first.. We spend most our free time and our money on this and it's really nice being rewarded with some mods or information we were missing. If there are some tunes we have that you really want, we are pretty sure you can find few thing of interest for us (demos, mods, etc..) Just make an effort.. :)

All material that is submitted to us (disks, photos, etc..) will be returned within just a few days (speak for yourself, Crown - I'm damn' lazy so if send to me, replace the "days" by "weeks" or "months" (not "years", I promise) -CC). There is no way we will steal or keep the hard drives or anything you send us. So no fear.. Scene Spirit, eh!


For possibilities to contact us please have a look at the contact us-page.

Last Words

We sincerely hope you will give few minutes of your time to our project. If you can give in hours or days, we will be even happier. Most of you might be very busy with studies, work, etc.. and your material (disks, etc..) might be far away/precious to you. How about paying your parents a visit and checking the cellar that contains all traces of your amiga activities? How about calling that old friend of yours as you promised yourself few times already? How about giving the scene a bit of what it gave you during the years you were in it?

If some people would like to run a database that concern amiga demos, graphics, etc.. please contact us.. we could all work together to keep the amiga (scene) spirit/culture alive. We can take in consideration the joining of few in this association. But only motivated people will be accepted.

It's clear we cannot do it without you. So no matter how little you can help. Help Us! that's all we had to say and thanx for reading this all the way to the end! Now we need to sleep.. ;)

Last thing to state... We only want people that can help, no hang on lamers that are going to make us waste our time (better spend it on ripping, etc). No offence but we need only pure minded people! :)

regards from the two (music) maniacs...

Crown & Curt Cool.

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