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Handle: Cirdan
Real Name: Lauri Turjansalo
Lived in: Finland
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Paradise Dreams

Modules: 51  online
Interview: Read!


          `n.          .rP'
           `qb       ,dP'
            TLb.  ,dMP'          all rite, now you get the chance to read
             TML.dMMP            some facts about some of the major amiga
          ,nmm`XXMPX              musicians. read about their history in 
       ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb.          the scene and their plans in future.yes, 
     ,d~'     dNNP `YNTb.       that's meant to be read while listening to  
    ,~       ,NN'     `YNb   their modules. read 'em over and over and over..
             dNP        `Yb.  
            ,NN'          `b.      · i  n  t  e  r  v  i  e  w  ·      ___________            
      ______dP                                _____________            \         /              
      \    ,N'\____   _____________.  _____   \            \_____.  ____\       /
       \___P___/  .\--\__    __/__ |--\____)---\        _____/__ |--\_   \    _/
        |     |   | \  |      | \__|   |  _     \      /    | \__|   |   /\   |
        |    _|   |    |     _l_       |  |      \    /    _l_       |     ___|
        l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\  /l___/===\______l____/

    Handle: Cirdan

    Group: Paradise Dreams

    Date of birth: 27th may, 1980

  • 1-How did your interest for computers start? Which year was that?

  • Back in the mid 80s some of my friends got c64's and I was totally hooked
    when I played Wizard of Wor for the first time.

  • 2-What machines did you previously have? What did you do with them?

  • I've had a c64 and Amiga. Mostly I just played games with them.

  • 3-For what specific reason did you end up making music rather than gfx, coding?

  • I don't know. I'm not mathematically very talented and have always been
    fascinated by music, maybe that's why.

  • 4-Which composing programs have you been using? Which one in particular?

  • I've tried most of the trackers out there. But the majority of my mods
    were done with Fasttracker 2. Nowadays I'm using a midi sequencer.

  • 5-With which module did you feel you had reached your goal?

  • Hmm, as a perfectionist I don't think I ever reach my goals. But
    I've done a couple of XM remixes of old c64 tunes which came out quite
    nice. I also came first in some music compo with a tune called

  • 6-Is there a tune you would like not to remember? For what reason?

  • Yes, there's definetly some tunes that shouldn't have been released.
    No real reason, they are just so bad.

  • 7-In your opinion, what's the value of a music in a demo, game?

  • Music (and audio in general) plays a much bigger role in a demo or game than
    most of the people realize.
    Played Last Ninja? That's a good example how important music is for a game.
    Without good music games usually lack atmosphere.

  • 8-At present, are you still composing? For professional or leisure purposes?

  • Sure - I'm still making music. It's just a hobby now and will probably stay
    that way in
    the future too.

  • 9-What do you think of today's pieces of music such as mpeg,wave,midi,etc...?

  • They are all very different type of formats and have their use.

  • 10-Could you tell us some of your all times favourite tunes?

  • All Turrican tunes by Chris Hülsbeck
    "R-Type" by Hülsbeck (SID and Amiga)
    "Red Sector Theme" by 4-Mat
    "2nd Reality" by Skaven
    "Compulsion to Obey" by Lizardking
    "Lotus 2" by Barry Leitch
    "Ocean Loader 4" by Jonathan Dunn
    "Last Ninja" by Ben Daglish
    "Int. Karate" by Rob Hubbard
    "Nallet" by Heatbeat
    "The Voyager" by MyVoice

    There's simply too many! :)

  • 11-Are you planning to make an audio cd with some of your music remastered?

  • No way.

  • 12-What bands are you currently listenning to?

  • Tangerine Dream, Laserdance, Arcane, Protonic Storm, Anders Lundqvist,
    Global Communication, Ozric Tentacles..

  • 13-What does/did the amiga/c64 scene give you?

  • Nah, I wasn't really a scener in my c64/amiga days. Mostly had lotsa fun
    with my friends.

  • 14-Are you still active in the scene these days?

  • Yes I guess, I'm sort of a nuskool oldskool dude :) I'm doing my best to
    support the c64/amiga scene
    with remixes of old tunes.

  • 15-Anyone to greet? Anything left to say? Feel free...

  • Hellos to the Paradise Dreams team :)

    please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2002 by crown of cryptoburners

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