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Handle: 4t Thieves
Real Name: Nick Racine
Lived in: Finland United Kingdom
Ex.Handles: 4T 4K, Nikke Rautatie, New-Wave, Shockwave, 4T, Nick Smith
Was a member of: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Cytax (CTX), Kahvi, Legacy (LGY), Mayhem (MHM), Morphology, Phase Distortion (PHD - Phase D - Phase'd), Polaris (PLS), Powermusik, Reaktor, Rebels (RBS - RBL), Scrammbled Eggs, Share and Enjoy (SAE), Skyline (SKL), Slipstream (SLP), The Mad Scientists (TMS)

Modules: 37  online
Interview: Read!


          `n.          .rP'
           `qb       ,dP'
            TLb.  ,dMP'          all rite, now you get the chance to read
             TML.dMMP            some facts about some of the major amiga
          ,nmm`XXMPX              musicians. read about their history in 
       ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb.          the scene and their plans in future.yes, 
     ,d~'     dNNP `YNTb.       that's meant to be read while listening to  
    ,~       ,NN'     `YNb   their modules. read 'em over and over and over..
             dNP        `Yb.  
            ,NN'          `b.      · i  n  t  e  r  v  i  e  w  ·      ___________            
      ______dP                                _____________            \         /              
      \    ,N'\____   _____________.  _____   \            \_____.  ____\       /
       \___P___/  .\--\__    __/__ |--\____)---\        _____/__ |--\_   \    _/
        |     |   | \  |      | \__|   |  _     \      /    | \__|   |   /\   |
        |    _|   |    |     _l_       |  |      \    /    _l_       |     ___|
        l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\  /l___/===\______l____/

    Handle: 4T thieves

    Group: Kahvi

    Date of birth: 27/05/73

  • 1-How did your interest for computers start? Which year was that?

  • hmm. First machine I got was a ZX81 back in ... 1983? Something like that. Of
    course, that lead onto a Vic 20 (for some reason I always ended up with the
    worse of two sister machines) Envy began when I heard the music and saw the
    amazing graphics of the C64. Impossible Mission just blew my mind!

    Not entirely sure why I got interested in computers.

  • 2-What machines did you previously have? What did you do with them?

  • ZX81 (can't remember), Vic 20 (can't remember), Spectrum 128k (swapped), Amiga
    500 (x6, swapped, blown up or sold), Amiga 600 (swapped), Amiga 1200 (x4,

  • 3-For what specific reason did you end up making music rather than gfx,coding?

  • There was just an urge to create music apparent after listening to Depeche
    Mode and other classical electronic acts. It just went from there really. Of
    course, Jean Michelle Jarre was one notable influence, and even A-ha (don't

  • 4-Which composing programs have you been using? Which one in particular?

  • Protracker on the Amiga was my tool of choice. Various versions were just not
    up to version 1.4. All 4 channel, which was fine for me.
    Not sure about the 8 channel tracks, it just seemed that there was too many
    tracks to know what to do with :P

  • 5-With which module did you feel you had reached your goal?

  • Reflections, technically, is a nice module. The beginning is great but not
    sure about the rest. Anyway, I was visiting a contact in Holland soon after I
    released it, and a guy sent him some swap disks, and especially noted this
    track `Reflections`. Well, before the days of the internet that extra effort
    to send a track via post made all the difference. Certainly a proud moment

  • 6-Is there a tune you would like not to remember? For what reason?

  • Not especially, generally I don't like to remember 'the one that got away' . I
    created a great track using samples ripped from 'puznic' on the Amiga, sent it
    to the Cytax guys in Hamburg and then promptly either deleted it or lost it in
    a hard disk crash. Anyway, thats the one I`d like to hear again - if anybody
    has a track remotely titled `puznic remix` by me, add it to the archive!

  • 7-In your opinion, what's the value of a music in a demo, game?

  • Music is the definition of the demo - the graphics and design are remembered
    but the music is what people can really get into. Add a bit of synchronisation
    with the video and you're onto a winner. This is why I like to feature video
    on Kahvi Collective which is synchronised to a good piece of music. It all
    stems from the scene days!

  • 8-At present, are you still composing? For professional or leisure purposes?

  • Not composing any more - the last track I made was for Assembly 2004 and since
    then I haven't done anything. Who knows, perhaps I`ll dig out my Roland JD800
    one of these days and come up with something.

  • 9-What do you think of today's pieces of music such as mpeg,wave,midi,etc...?

  • Its ogg all the way, mainly because Kahvi releases all its works in ogg (and
    mp3). Quality wise its fantastic.

  • 10-Could you tell us some of your all times favourite tunes?

  • Anything by Tip and Firefox of Phenomena, Uncle Tom is a legend, Fleshbrain,
    Bruno. They`re still groundbreaking even now.

  • 11-Are you planning to make an audio cd with some of your music remastered?

  • Not really, it would take a mammoth effort and I don't really have time to
    remix any of my old works.

  • 12-What bands are you currently listenning to?

  • Boards of Canada, Bola, anything electronic/idm, and of course Kahvi

  • 13-What does/did the amiga/c64 scene give you?

  • Now? The knowledge that I contributed to a scene of hundreds of people with a
    single common interest. A giant organisation crossing all walks of life. It
    was great.

  • 14-Are you still active in the scene these days?

  • The netlabel scene, yes.

  • 15-Anyone to greet? Anything left to say? Feel free...

  • All my old compatriots from all my old groups, Bruno/Anarchy (if anybody can
    point me in his direction please email me at [email protected]), all the legends
    that made the music of the Amiga scene days (for me 1987 - 1996) such a
    special and unique experience. Head over to http://www.kahvi.org and check out
    some of the great (free) music available for download. And if you're an old
    pal from those years who's lost contact, drop me a line.

    please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2008 by crown of cryptoburners

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