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`n. .rP' `qb ,dP' TLb. ,dMP' all rite, now you get the chance to read TML.dMMP some facts about some of the major amiga ,nmm`XXMPX musicians. read about their history in ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb. the scene and their plans in future.yes, ,d~' dNNP `YNTb. that's meant to be read while listening to ,~ ,NN' `YNb their modules. read 'em over and over and over.. dNP `Yb. ,NN' `b. · i n t e r v i e w · ___________ ______dP _____________ \ / \ ,N'\____ _____________. _____ \ \_____. ____\ / \___P___/ .\--\__ __/__ |--\____)---\ _____/__ |--\_ \ _/ | | | \ | | \__| | _ \ / | \__| | /\ | | _| | | _l_ | | \ / _l_ | ___| l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\ /l___/===\______l____/ \/ Handle: BKH Group: Scoopex Date of birth: 11 juin 1975 My interest for computers has started pretty early. First at secondary school in the eighties. Most of my friend had the famous Amstrad CPC 6128 and that machine was thrilling at that time. Personaly I got my first computer at the age of 11, in 1985. My mother had bought an MSX (gosh!) for my birthday. As any other kid, I got addicted to video games, and that still has influence in my actual life. For those who wondered, the "K" of BKH stands for "Knight" and that comes from the video game called Knight Time. If some of remember it, I have spent month playing with that one! After a physical destruction of my MSX, while playing freneticaly with the video game called Nemesis (a bad clone of gradius), I decided to get my hands on an Atari 512 ST (re-gosh!) that has lasted for 2 good years. I finally managed to get my hands on an Amiga with which I started to compose some musics. I wasn't so convinced of my capacities at that time. Apart from Amihga modules, I have created many scores on PC, I was linking it to a Korg T4 synthétizer. Destiny showed its ugly face and my harddrive broke up without any hope of getting it repaired. All the data got lost and the year 2000 clearly ended all my activities as composer. I have had to go through clarinet and tonic solfa lessons at the Besancon (France) Conservatoire. It started was I was 4 and lasted for 10 long and terrible years. So it was pretty natural to me to get into composing musics with the help of computers. I have never really be fond of classical music, but the 10 years I have spent at the Conservatoire have had a great influcence on my musical approach when composing. On amiga I have mainly been using Protracker. With PC I have used several software such as Cakewalk Pro or Acid Pro. To be honnest I have never really liked any of my musics. Especially those I composed on the Amiga. They sound pretty much like previews and I am sure most people have the same opinion. When I think about it, it comes to my mind that I have never finnished any tune. NHP chose some tracks and reworked them in order to make them more coherent. Of course, the end result isn't like what I had expected at first. As I mentioned earlier, I am not really a fan of my tracks. As a matter of fact I don't even listen to them anymore. Whether they are used in a video game oir a film, music has a very important role to play. In my opinion, they drive the emotions throughout the film, game. That's over! This is a strange question! Today's packing, sampling, etc.. possibilities offered to musicians are huge and make it possible to create music in an effective and simple way. These days, anyone can pretend to be a composer, though the creativity and the originality of the tunes added to a marketing plan will make him famous or not. Nope. Nowadays, I am listenning to the 2 latest albums from (Michel Vaillant et Noise), Daft Punk (le splendide album Discovery), Air (fantastique), Kid Loco (Another Late Night). A mon sens, les musiques « Angel » (malheureusement trop médiatisée) et « Group Four » de lalbum Mezzanine de Massive Attack, « Dollars and Cents » et « Like Spinning Plates » de lalbum Amnesiac de Radiohead, lalbum The Virgin Suicide dans son ensemble et le morceau « Le Voyage de Pénélope » de lalbum Moon Safari du groupe Air, constituent les meilleurs morceaux que jai écoutés. Nothing. Only work added to more work. No. I have never really been close to the scene, if even not close at all. Frankly I have really never cared about it. My motivation has always come from the pleasure of composing rather than trying to get famous. If I should thank some people, that should be the following talented musicians: Tip and Mantronix, Dr. Awesome, Maniacs of Noise and especially Chris Hulsbeck whose musics have been very important for me. Of course I also want to thank NHP (we have had loads of fun, don't you think?). I can't stop myself from remembering the Amiga period with nostalgy. It has been a very very rich period of my life as well, I have met a lot of interesting people. It has been a great advenrure, but I consider that it is over now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2005 by crown of cryptoburners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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