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Handle: Chriz
Real Name: Anders Dahl
Lived in: Norway
Ex.Handles: Psycho, Kriz
Was a member of: Apathy (APT), Banana Dezign (BDZ - BD), Contraz (CTZ - CZ), Element (EMT), Instinct (ITC - INT), Massive (MSV), Mavericks, Music Alive, Saints (STS - SNT)

Modules: 17  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 17 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
bag Chriz MOD 329Kb
boombox Chriz MOD 290Kb
breakitdown Chriz MOD 747Kb
cool Chriz MOD 233Kb
electric relaxation Chriz MOD 68Kb
Farm De La Fuck Chriz MOD 106Kb
get_high Chriz MOD 167Kb
hfdb Chriz MOD 369Kb
himalayA Chriz MOD 26Kb
hit the highway Chriz MOD 412Kb
kan-groo-love Chriz MOD 315Kb
living on video Chriz MOD 36Kb
loff Chriz MOD 398Kb
lokin basslinez Chriz MOD 422Kb
love punany bad Chriz MOD 75Kb
mIKROPhON mAStA Chriz MED 800Kb
raving#1 Chriz MOD 54Kb

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