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Handle: Pitch
Real Name: Johan
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: Picca
Was a member of: Nemol, Rebecca

Modules: 20  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 20 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
boundless void i Pitch MOD 70Kb
cypress mill Pitch MOD 119Kb
ice-intro Pitch MOD 95Kb
infiltration Pitch MOD 65Kb
jungledisajn Pitch MOD 38Kb
lunk along Pitch MOD 82Kb
manni Pitch MOD 8Kb
moveme Pitch MOD 25Kb
neadl like a beatl Pitch MOD 4Kb
ouiy2 Pitch MOD 72Kb
perpetuum_mobile_1 Pitch MOD 109Kb
perpetuum_mobile_2 Pitch MOD 53Kb
raw fusion2 Pitch MOD 71Kb
skruples Pitch MOD 3Kb
somlya Pitch MOD 64Kb
soul control Pitch MOD 98Kb
tabac Pitch MOD 67Kb
uther shadingungs Pitch MOD 4Kb
wasmakaj Pitch MOD 64Kb
wet in mind2 Pitch MOD 87Kb

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