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Handle: Counterpoint
Real Name: Matthew McLellan
Lived in: Canada
Ex.Handles: Melf, Matthew Mc Lellan, CTP
Was a member of: Frequency 44, NEBULA, WesTower

Modules: 81  online
Interview: Read!
Pictures: n/a

.:: 81 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
Action Counterpoint XM 136Kb
Adventure Counterpoint MOD 87Kb
an idea Counterpoint MOD 153Kb
Antidote Counterpoint MOD 43Kb
april93 Counterpoint MOD 254Kb
atrocitation Counterpoint MOD 384Kb
BloodQuest 1 Counterpoint XM 59Kb
BloodQuest 2 Counterpoint XM 77Kb
BloodQuest 3 Counterpoint XM 133Kb
BloodQuest 4 Counterpoint XM 20Kb
Blue Mood Counterpoint XM 931Kb
Castle Of Fire Counterpoint XM 88Kb
Cavern Counterpoint MOD 89Kb
Chrono.Foundations Counterpoint XM 194Kb
Chronologic Foundations Counterpoint OSS 207Kb
Coma Viritis Counterpoint XM 128Kb
Counterpoint V2.0 Counterpoint XM 273Kb
Crusader Theme Remix Counterpoint XM 433Kb
Crystal Orbit Remix Counterpoint XM 758Kb
ctpoint Counterpoint MOD 325Kb
darkside Counterpoint MOD 214Kb
dipthescum! Counterpoint MOD 136Kb
Dreamscope I mnms rmx Counterpoint & Minomus IT 184Kb
DreamScope II Counterpoint XM 501Kb
dreamscope.1 Counterpoint MOD 575Kb
dreamscope.2 Counterpoint MED 625Kb
effigy Counterpoint MOD 412Kb
emotional_storm Counterpoint MOD 276Kb
enchilada Counterpoint MOD 78Kb
Fantasy Counterpoint MOD 748Kb
Flying Fast Counterpoint XM 2025Kb
funkysong Counterpoint MOD 115Kb
f_o_c.mod Counterpoint MOD 361Kb
G_O_T_a Counterpoint MOD 152Kb
Helpless Counterpoint XM 273Kb
idol Counterpoint MOD 454Kb
Intricate Personality Counterpoint OSS 514Kb
IntricatePersonality Counterpoint XM 444Kb
Jaded Sunset Counterpoint OSS 179Kb
Jaded Sunset Counterpoint XM 205Kb
Journey to Neptune Counterpoint XM 258Kb
lightyear.mod Counterpoint MOD 313Kb
Mass Death Bytecrusher & Counterpoint XM 172Kb
Mike's Creepy Remix Bytecrusher & Counterpoint XM 189Kb
Ninjaguy (Short) Counterpoint XM 175Kb
No Money Counterpoint XM 236Kb
nymph Counterpoint MOD 285Kb
Optic Neutron Counterpoint XM 767Kb
prelude Counterpoint MOD 213Kb
Rays Of Light Counterpoint XM 3005Kb
Rock it up and play Counterpoint MOD 311Kb
Seen Somethin' Counterpoint MOD 379Kb
Self Destruct Counterpoint XM 624Kb
Shadow Empire Counterpoint XM 114Kb
shards of atonement Counterpoint MOD 238Kb
slurpee mix Counterpoint MOD 500Kb
Slurpee Vector Counterpoint MOD 194Kb
Snake Dance Counterpoint XM 221Kb
Something Counterpoint XM 216Kb
Standiing Close Counterpoint MED 632Kb
standing close Counterpoint MOD 582Kb
Sunday's Samba Counterpoint XM 298Kb
Tanx - In Game 1 Counterpoint MOD 354Kb
Tanx - In Game 2 Counterpoint MOD 59Kb
Tanx - In Game 3 Counterpoint MOD 75Kb
Tanx - In Game 4 Counterpoint MOD 339Kb
Tanx - Intro Counterpoint MOD 181Kb
Tanx - Jungle Intro Counterpoint MOD 137Kb
Tanx - Menu Counterpoint MOD 264Kb
Tanx - Victory Counterpoint MOD 243Kb
Techno Wonders Counterpoint XM 198Kb
The Big City Counterpoint MOD 148Kb
the dipping Counterpoint MOD 69Kb
Tornado Counterpoint MOD 297Kb
Unknown Game Intro Counterpoint XM 33Kb
Unknown Game Level 1 Counterpoint XM 90Kb
Unknown Game Main Counterpoint XM 106Kb
Westower Theme I Counterpoint XM 38Kb
Westower Theme II Counterpoint XM 96Kb
Wizard's Overture Counterpoint XM 79Kb
Wizards Overture 2nd Counterpoint XM 12Kb

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