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Handle: Q-Sound
Real Name: n/a
Lived in: Poland
Ex.Handles: X-Sonic
Was a member of: Byteland

Modules: 64  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 64 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
6 Q-Sound S3M 66Kb
abyss   (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 206Kb
acid atmospheere  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 123Kb
acid rebirth  (q-s) Q-Sound XM 307Kb
be carefoul (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 88Kb
better world (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 171Kb
blind man (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 156Kb
break da harmony  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 167Kb
chaos by q-sound Q-Sound S3M 139Kb
cold flame  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 176Kb
cyberspace   (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 80Kb
dessous le ciel  (x-sonic) Q-Sound S3M 162Kb
dla wrotek_3 X-SONIC Q-Sound MOD 88Kb
dla wrotek_3 X-SONIC.alt Q-Sound MOD 61Kb
don't stop  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 187Kb
elementary (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 127Kb
emotions (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 129Kb
eyes of our future (x-s) Q-Sound S3M 137Kb
final extasy  (x-sonic) Q-Sound S3M 194Kb
free butterfly  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 238Kb
fusion Q-Sound S3M 136Kb
future d.- trance mix (q-s) Q-Sound S3M 99Kb
future dance (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 123Kb
happy wave  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 174Kb
heaven  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 73Kb
into the deep (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 125Kb
invulnerable  (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 68Kb
join us  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 149Kb
le bruit cree par X-SONIC Q-Sound S3M 117Kb
live mix (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 274Kb
love that's not all X-SONIC Q-Sound S3M 229Kb
lowered agression (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 143Kb
my show, x's show (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 139Kb
neutral  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 144Kb
no fear  (x-sonic) Q-Sound S3M 141Kb
noise  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 148Kb
one day (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 123Kb
our culture  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 303Kb
out of my mind  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 229Kb
oxymoron  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 159Kb
oxymoron 2 (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 233Kb
progress  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 167Kb
psycho sounds #2  (x-sonic) Q-Sound S3M 165Kb
psychosounds (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 158Kb
rave imperium (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 168Kb
rave maniac (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 101Kb
raving in ocean (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 181Kb
ROOM X    (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 225Kb
scream in the jungle (q-s) Q-Sound S3M 201Kb
second reality (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 137Kb
secret of pleasure (q-s) Q-Sound S3M 241Kb
sounds of my madness (q-s) Q-Sound S3M 289Kb
third faze  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 177Kb
timeout  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 167Kb
touch my dreams (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 127Kb
toxic touch  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 272Kb
transformation (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 117Kb
trip  (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 203Kb
tunnel of destruction (X-S) Q-Sound S3M 186Kb
unknown (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 252Kb
virtual surfaces (q-sound) Q-Sound S3M 130Kb
vision of love (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 199Kb
wild vibes (X-SONIC) Q-Sound S3M 92Kb

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