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Handle: JvK
Real Name: Jonathan von Kelaita
Lived in: Australia
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Chimera Music (Chimera - CHM)

Modules: 28  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: 1  online

.:: 28 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
About You Now JvK S3M 29Kb
anoxia JvK XM 337Kb
Bach Gigue JvK IT 2Kb
Basic Instinct JvK XM 12Kb
Castle Rock Fortress JvK IT 8Kb
Castlevania 3 JvK S3M 29Kb
Commandos (NES) JvK IT 5Kb
Corn Chips JvK XM 5Kb
dreamer JvK IT 47Kb
Elevator Romance JvK FST 19Kb
FunktionaL JvK IT 297Kb
Ignorance is Bliss.. JvK XM 20Kb
Mellow Groove JvK IT 23Kb
modular JvK XM 263Kb
Money JvK XM 4Kb
Music Shop Hero JvK S3M 31Kb
ninja commando [JvK] JvK XM 7Kb
Oh! Darling JvK IT 13Kb
paradise JvK IT 12Kb
plain chips JvK XM 6Kb
polyphony JvK XM 4Kb
PoWerHouSe JvK IT 153Kb
Risky Business JvK S3M 58Kb
Rompin' Around! JvK XM 3Kb
Simplicity JvK IT 2Kb
survival JvK XM 3Kb
The Hunted JvK MOD 57Kb
Toe Jam & Earl JvK XM 11Kb

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