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Handle: Elwood
Real Name: Geir Magne Austrheim
Lived in: Norway
Ex.Handles: Geir M. Austrheim, Geir Austrheim
Was a member of: Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Massive (MSV), Neon (NE), Paragon

Modules: 5  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 5 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
apenes ballade.ew Elwood MOD 42Kb
grief is gone Elwood MOD 40Kb
neutron Elwood MOD 15Kb
pirate in orbit Elwood MOD 71Kb
the vanishing tower Elwood MOD 49Kb

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