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Handle: EMI
Real Name: Ronny H. Hollevik
Lived in: Norway
Ex.Handles: Ronny Hollevik
Was a member of: Humanoids (HMN), Ivory, OZ, Scope, The Arcadia Team (TAT), The Magic Circle (TMC)

Modules: 30  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 30 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
a group is dead EMI MOD 130Kb
audiophile EMI STK 88Kb
bigfoot EMI STK 41Kb
brand.new EMI STK 79Kb
crump (emi89) EMI STK 88Kb
dangerous love EMI STK 123Kb
desire EMI STK 110Kb
edge EMI MOD 56Kb
first view (a cop) EMI MOD 146Kb
funky way (emi89) EMI STK 64Kb
happy song (emi) EMI STK 36Kb
in morning (emi89) EMI STK 71Kb
infinity EMI STK 44Kb
italo.dance EMI STK 40Kb
iwouldntdoitagain EMI MOD 53Kb
love in russia EMI STK 64Kb
love in the night EMI MOD 94Kb
love story (emi89) EMI MOD 108Kb
new inspiration EMI MOD 56Kb
night dance EMI STK 58Kb
no feelings (emi89) EMI STK 52Kb
resedue EMI MOD 50Kb
shabby song by emi EMI MOD 35Kb
sometimes EMI STK 54Kb
sophisticated love EMI MOD 50Kb
the player housemix EMI MOD 115Kb
time (emi89) EMI STK 77Kb
traveling around EMI STK 47Kb
twilight EMI STK 85Kb
update EMI STK 86Kb

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