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Handle: Ape
Real Name: Adam Pracy
Lived in: United Kingdom
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Channel 14, Factor Four (Factor IV - Factor 4), Freehand (FHD), Illusions Uk, Impulse (IMS - IMP), The Chip Duo (TCD)

Modules: 25  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 25 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
(Eco Phantoms)ecomix2 Ape MOD 77Kb
(Gnome Alone)gnome alone Ape MOD 49Kb
(Turbo Trax)desert.52k Ape MOD 31Kb
(Turbo Trax)entity2b Ape MOD 103Kb
(Turbo Trax)forest.99k Ape MOD 33Kb
(Turbo Trax)ice.98k Ape MOD 30Kb
(Turbo Trax)indy2 Ape MOD 32Kb
(Turbo Trax)title.remix.99k Ape MOD 61Kb
(Turbo Trax)urbanish2.50k Ape MOD 44Kb
Chase'em Ape JAM 14Kb
Do The Bartman Ape MED 279Kb
FreeHand-Adam1 Ape JAM 6Kb
Freehand3 Ape JAM 7Kb
hornbeat Ape STK 64Kb
housesad Ape STK 56Kb
MC Hammer Ape MED 240Kb
megabass Ape STK 65Kb
mod.space Ape MOD 64Kb
model Ape MOD 49Kb
pianore Ape STK 50Kb
racemusic Ape MOD 16Kb
rmon Ape STK 93Kb
sonixtit Ape STK 18Kb
suburbia Ape STK 86Kb
The Search Ape JAM 9Kb

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