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Handle: KLF
Real Name: Johan Danielsson
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: JLD
Was a member of: Destructive Youth, Rage (RGE - R!), Sator

Modules: 22  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: 1  online

.:: 22 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
aircraft(klf) KLF MOD 139Kb
another_galax KLF MOD 122Kb
black planet(klf) KLF MOD 108Kb
Children Remix KLF XM 510Kb
cosmo dream KLF MOD 56Kb
dancing togather KLF MOD 107Kb
field of roses(klf) KLF MOD 58Kb
game music KLF MOD 58Kb
get the rythm KLF MOD 65Kb
hypnotic mortality KLF MOD 90Kb
hypnotyse KLF MOD 105Kb
let beauty loose KLF MOD 63Kb
majzenamjoel KLF MOD 107Kb
panic KLF MOD 184Kb
power blues(klf) KLF MOD 50Kb
power(klf) KLF MOD 46Kb
raw power(klf) KLF MOD 70Kb
rock and roll KLF MOD 65Kb
slutet KLF MOD 182Kb
taleofdeath(klf) KLF MOD 44Kb
the thing(klf) KLF MOD 70Kb
vibration(klf) KLF MOD 95Kb

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