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Handle: MelOD
Real Name: Andreas Kelka
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: Mel°D, DJ Mel-O D, DJ MelOD, Andy Kelka
Was a member of: Hard Behaviour Excitation (HBE), Native Force (NF)

Modules: 16  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 16 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
beatroit^hbe MelOD XM 209Kb
Benevolence MelOD S3M 133Kb
Ik Wil Dansen MelOD S3M 81Kb
Intro "Funky Walk" MelOD XM 123Kb
Intro "Funky Walk"2 MelOD XM 171Kb
Laufprogramm (HBE) MelOD S3M 91Kb
not just a dream^hbe MelOD XM 284Kb
Otto-Remix MelOD S3M 316Kb
Search 4 Truth MelOD S3M 168Kb
some fanta-c^hbe MelOD XM 253Kb
the cheetah^hbe MelOD XM 380Kb
Time 2 Jam MelOD S3M 102Kb
Time In The Bliss MelOD S3M 108Kb
trip II moon rmx^hbe MelOD XM 312Kb
We last forever | 2nd  MelOD S3M 138Kb

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