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Handle: Ronny
Real Name: Ronny Pries
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: RP, R0nny, Herr Weltschaft, Murray Prisinski, rktic, rpfr, R. Pries
Was a member of: Alpha Flight (AFL), Bing Bang University (BBU), Electronic Knocked, Farbrausch (FR), Free Electric Band pc, LATEX, Lego (LGO), Phase Distortion (PHD - Phase D - Phase'd), RohFormat, Still pc (ST), Teklords (TLS - TL), Thinner

Modules: 74  online
Interview: Read!
Pictures: 2  online

.:: 74 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
1000000 miles... Ronny XM 140Kb
1000000 miles....compo Ronny XM 139Kb
1e- Ronny MOD 39Kb
<--humper--> Ronny MOD 58Kb
Acid4ALL-HHR-RMX Ramboy & Ronny & Markus Huether MOD 113Kb
acid_4_all! Ronny MOD 146Kb
after hours Ronny XM 110Kb
BBU-Ernte23 Ronny XM 1508Kb
bubblegum! Ronny MOD 132Kb
circus_boogie! Ronny MOD 73Kb
coded in 1 hour Ronny MOD 56Kb
cosmotik_disco Ronny MOD 109Kb
danny_da_dizkoking! Ronny MOD 134Kb
deep_sea_diver! Ronny MOD 87Kb
diese augenblicke werden nie vergehen Ronny XM 188Kb
donny-the-diskowboy Ronny XM 194Kb
duck jakob Ronny XM 123Kb
Elitegroup-Kasparov Ronny XM 4588Kb
famous_thang! Ronny MOD 101Kb
footlights-nomeltdownremix Ronny XM 266Kb
funky! Ronny MOD 112Kb
Go Danny Go! Ronny XM 194Kb
gotta_keep_on! Ronny MOD 125Kb
h. s. b. b. m. Ronny & Zyad XM 186Kb
hakumba_metumba! Ronny MOD 25Kb
hausmusik! Ronny MOD 55Kb
hidden secrets Ronny XM 194Kb
hidden secrets Moon & Ronny XM 192Kb
hippie_disco! Ronny MOD 101Kb
kurkkukipu Raw Style & Ronny & Vesuri MOD 67Kb
megaperls! Ronny MOD 30Kb
motor city Ronny XM 138Kb
motor city hb remix Ronny XM 142Kb
mutex Ronny MOD 81Kb
nighttrip! Ronny MOD 43Kb
no way out! Ronny XM 74Kb
on_and_on! Ronny MOD 22Kb
pianotic Ronny MOD 50Kb
ping_pong! Ronny MOD 21Kb
r-o-n-n-y! Ronny MOD 80Kb
release the pressure Ronny XM 95Kb
silikontitten! Ronny MOD 21Kb
sound_foundation Ronny MOD 102Kb
storm Ronny XM 347Kb
supersonic-sound Ronny MOD 25Kb
tdbn&m! Ronny MOD 172Kb
teklords.v1 Ronny MOD 84Kb
tHE aRPeGiAtOR Pt. 2 Ronny XM 451Kb
the milky way Ronny XM 79Kb
the_discomaniac! Ronny MOD 89Kb
toiletflush-rmix Raw Style & Ronny & Skyphos MOD 193Kb
toilet_flush! Ronny MOD 73Kb
toilet_flush-wbmix Ronny MOD 74Kb
tonca Ronny MOD 13Kb
tru_funk! Ronny MOD 142Kb
we distort the phase Ronny XM 230Kb
your_mind!! Ronny MOD 126Kb
_a1 Pherplexer & Ronny XM 413Kb
_a2 Pherplexer & Ronny XM 1132Kb
_b1 Pherplexer & Ronny XM 539Kb
_b1 (b. rosu mix) Pherplexer & Ronny XM 562Kb
_betriebsstoerung Ronny XM 208Kb
_blechroehre 1 Ronny XM 250Kb
_blechroehre 2 Ronny XM 179Kb
_gummistiefel Ronny XM 223Kb
_kolbenfresser Ronny XM 273Kb
_nockenwelle Ronny XM 403Kb
_nullstellung Ronny XM 602Kb
_planquadrat 12b Ronny XM 130Kb
_reloaded Ronny XM 367Kb
_subraum kruemmung Ronny XM 248Kb
_wellengleiter Ronny XM 279Kb
_whop Ronny XM 64Kb
_zyklop Ronny XM 132Kb

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