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Handle: Taz
Real Name: Tobias Carlsson
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Aquila, PLEASURE (PLS)

Modules: 10  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 10 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
fairytales iv Taz MOD 6Kb
fairytales xix Taz MOD 3Kb
fairytales xx Taz MOD 4Kb
soapbubble twist Taz MOD 3Kb
that's pleasant Taz MOD 3Kb
the 8th illusion 1 Taz MOD 5Kb
the 8th illusion 2 Taz MOD 4Kb
the 8th illusion 3 Taz MOD 6Kb
the 8th illusion 4 Taz MOD 5Kb
the 8th illusion 5 Taz MOD 5Kb

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