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Handle: Fowl
Real Name: Ulrich Huhn
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Coast (CST), Proline (PLE - PRL), The Heartbreakers (THB)

Modules: 10  online
Interview: Read!
Pictures: 3  online

.:: 10 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
bagpipe Fowl MOD 19Kb
blue sleeeeves Fowl MOD 21Kb
empty Fowl MOD 33Kb
fyren lisa(2.35) Fowl MOD 34Kb
house of da rice v1.1 Fowl MOD 46Kb
maledivian dreams Fowl MOD 16Kb
neglected love Fowl MOD 18Kb
techno_ii Fowl MOD 57Kb
the champs introtune-remix Fowl MOD 30Kb
yoh! Fowl MOD 94Kb

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