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Handle: Joker
Real Name: Eddie Cummins
Lived in: Ireland
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Exodus pc (EXS), Mad Dancers Make Art (MDMA)

Modules: 15  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 15 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
303 love Joker MED 89Kb
acid-casuality Joker MOD 72Kb
altered rush Joker MOD 84Kb
dialated eyes Joker MOD 86Kb
fry your mind ii Joker MOD 194Kb
happiness Joker MOD 20Kb
madman! Joker MOD 60Kb
mentally unstable Joker MED 139Kb
moby vs. the aphex twin Joker MED 185Kb
ome's law2 Joker MOD 111Kb
pure crystal dream Joker MOD 104Kb
rush with a k Joker MOD 62Kb
spiritual invocation Joker MED 201Kb
visual hearing Joker MOD 129Kb
wota wonderful rave Joker MOD 109Kb

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