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Handle: Cortex
Real Name: Garry Mayer
Lived in: Austria
Ex.Handles: CTX
Was a member of: Energy (NRG), Sonic (SON - SNC), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Modules: 19  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 19 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
back_in_time Cortex MOD 516Kb
guitartune Cortex MOD 62Kb
helpless Cortex MOD 2Kb
i dont know Cortex MOD 68Kb
kandalis Cortex MOD 88Kb
la luna Cortex MOD 5Kb
legendary Cortex MOD 89Kb
listen Cortex MOD 177Kb
musiccrazy+ Cortex MOD 172Kb
mystic Cortex MOD 121Kb
pinocchio.remix Cortex MOD 132Kb
pinochio Cortex MOD 77Kb
pinochio.short Cortex MOD 77Kb
rhythm device Cortex MOD 18Kb
rhythm device2 Cortex MOD 18Kb
schunkel mukke Cortex MOD 363Kb
trance 101 Cortex MOD 55Kb
trance factory Cortex MOD 160Kb
waste organ Cortex MOD 50Kb

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