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Handle: Cyntex
Real Name: Mads Staff Jensen
Lived in: Norway
Ex.Handles: DJ, Tee Djay, Mads S. Jensen, Mads Jensen
Was a member of: Equinox (EQX), The Powerlords (TPL - The Powerlords Corporation)

Modules: 19  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 19 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
 redheat Cyntex STK 38Kb
(Super Sucker 2)supertune00 Cyntex STK 80Kb
b0ff in the bush Cyntex MOD 81Kb
balls of colors Cyntex MOD 133Kb
bladerunner Cyntex MOD 39Kb
blow-job Cyntex MOD 27Kb
blues on the water Cyntex MOD 101Kb
cold sausage Cyntex MOD 68Kb
Equinox-Hydrocephalus Cyntex MOD 120Kb
Hardweird Cyntex MOD 107Kb
HCII Cyntex MOD 207Kb
hydrocephalus Cyntex MOD 141Kb
kil(l)roy Cyntex MOD 34Kb
metalic sounds Cyntex MOD 36Kb
Pink Project Cyntex MOD 146Kb
prejudice1 Cyntex MOD 75Kb
prejudice2 Cyntex MOD 133Kb
teedjay12 Cyntex MOD 114Kb
the supreme mix Cyntex MOD 68Kb

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