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Handle: DLX
Real Name: Joakim Falk
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: D-Luxe, Mr. Palmer, The Clairvoyant, The Black Adder, DLuxe, Mr Palmer
Was a member of: Equinox (EQX), Insane (INS), Necatrix, Orient (ORT), The Powerlords (TPL - The Powerlords Corporation)

Modules: 25  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: 7  online

.:: 25 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
calm DLX MOD 45Kb
fair enough DLX MOD 94Kb
flashbacks_v1.8_vdr DLX & Vedder & Corpsicle MOD 59Kb
flashbacks_v2.0 DLX & Vedder & Corpsicle MOD 59Kb
generation*compoed DLX & Firefox & Tomas Danko MOD 135Kb
incy-wincy DLX & ALPAidUS MOD 113Kb
infinite DLX MOD 78Kb
intro-tune DLX MOD 54Kb
kaimana DLX & Mr. Mygg MOD 47Kb
leviathan-tune DLX MOD 43Kb
liberation DLX MOD 5Kb
milk punch DLX MOD 6Kb
morning glory DLX MOD 5Kb
owe DLX MOD 84Kb
owe.long DLX MOD 100Kb
radical insanity DLX MOD 26Kb
size matters DLX & Triace & Vedder MOD 6Kb
so far so good DLX MOD 100Kb
the black hole DLX MOD 65Kb
u.d.iii DLX MOD 45Kb
u.d.iii.long DLX MOD 73Kb
universal dreams DLX MOD 79Kb
universal dreams ii DLX MOD 61Kb
visual art DLX MOD 76Kb
world of oddity DLX MOD 48Kb

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