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Handle: Dawg
Real Name: Pierre Letzelter
Lived in: France
Ex.Handles: Landscapes, Es'Kiss, Dean
Was a member of: Apple Pie, Pagan (PGN), Spasm (SPM), The Magic Guild (TMG), X-Plora

Modules: 19  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 19 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
black sunday Dawg MOD 107Kb
deseperate lovesong Dawg MOD 223Kb
f.e.a.r. Dawg MOD 180Kb
good mood-bad mood Dawg MOD 231Kb
gr00ve distillati0n Dawg MOD 144Kb
greenland Dawg MOD 104Kb
here comes the rain Dawg MOD 79Kb
landscapes Dawg MOD 120Kb
little kids on xtc Dawg MOD 134Kb
love and hate are 1 Dawg MOD 68Kb
mystery waves Dawg MOD 112Kb
official 2.0 Dawg MOD 60Kb
official 2.0.1994 Dawg MOD 60Kb
optimum pleasure Dawg MOD 164Kb
pleasant dreams Dawg MOD 221Kb
summer of '94 Dawg MOD 63Kb
tenderlove Dawg MOD 128Kb
the chainsaw Dawg MOD 110Kb
underwear bizness Dawg MOD 113Kb

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