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Handle: 4Tel
Real Name: Lucass Bancerowski
Lived in: Poland
Ex.Handles: Kapral
Was a member of: n/a

Modules: 18  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 18 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
+++++klimat+++++ 4Tel XM 100Kb
<<<<<<<<Home>>>>>>>> 4Tel XM 110Kb
cRaZy nIGhT 4Tel XM 125Kb
D.N.O. 4Tel XM 83Kb
dEeP wAY 4Tel XM 97Kb
Deepress.... 4Tel XM 68Kb
FlYinG StaR 4Tel XM 174Kb
innocence 4Tel XM 127Kb
LiFe oN dZaBol 4Tel XM 61Kb
Lonely night... 4Tel XM 41Kb
Rock The Bells 4Tel XM 112Kb
SomeThing SpeCial... 4Tel XM 173Kb
Vibrato Module 4Tel XM 103Kb
Vibrato Perkuszyn 4Tel XM 121Kb
vIsiOn of FuTuRe 4Tel XM 80Kb
wOrLd oF iLLuSSion 4Tel XM 111Kb
world of war 4Tel XM 144Kb
X-MaS sOnG 4Tel XM 119Kb

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