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Handle: Joker
Real Name: Christian Birchinger
Lived in: Switzerland
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: The BigMac Brothers

Modules: 26  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 26 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
4_kanal Joker MOD 67Kb
antitechno ii ??? ComputerMusiker & Joker MOD 125Kb
antitechno!!! Joker MOD 45Kb
deepvii Joker MOD 180Kb
deep_sleep Joker MOD 91Kb
fm Joker MOD 8Kb
heinous_hell Joker MOD 76Kb
jetend Joker MOD 79Kb
jokeme Joker MOD 111Kb
longdrink Joker MOD 182Kb
maintheme Joker MOD 84Kb
malediction Joker MOD 90Kb
mediumtek Joker MOD 85Kb
melancholy Joker MOD 97Kb
newclock Joker MOD 216Kb
nightslave(dc) Joker MOD 167Kb
nomorestrings Joker MOD 146Kb
oopzz Joker MOD 80Kb
repulsive_scribble Joker MOD 250Kb
slowspace Joker MOD 163Kb
solemnity Joker MOD 119Kb
spacetekopening Joker MOD 177Kb
spacetekopening+ Joker MOD 179Kb
stupefaction Joker MOD 135Kb
the_overthrow+ Joker MOD 199Kb
the_sanguinary(dh) Joker MOD 232Kb

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