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Handle: Farfar
Real Name: Mogens Skjold Overbeck
Lived in: Denmark
Ex.Handles: Abebur, Bavianfar, Bulu and Hulu, Farf, Gafkhan, Mogens, Møgfar, Paintfar, Pisfar, Plaf, Polofar, Røgfar, Tarmfar, Toiletfar, Møvens, Mogens Skjold O., Mogens Overbeck
Was a member of: Cromatics (CMT), Flex (FLX), Focus Design (FD - FCS), Loonies (LNS), Mangoo, No Fear Productions (N4P)

Modules: 13  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 13 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
2cn2b_pilgrim Farfar XM 535Kb
Autumn Tides Farfar XM 466Kb
Bell-ville Farfar MOD 244Kb
Bella my love Farfar MOD 362Kb
bella my love.alt Farfar MOD 365Kb
distorted noise!003 Farfar MOD 22Kb
ere's tree-gafkhan Farfar MOD 403Kb
i hate infrared Farfar XM 120Kb
Life5b Farfar XM 1153Kb
Mesttee Farfar DBM 196Kb
ntromodule9 Farfar MOD 136Kb
relational keys Farfar XM 400Kb
subsonique dub Farfar XM 404Kb

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