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Handle: Avalance
Real Name: Christian Vogt
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: Valence
Was a member of: Hard Behaviour Excitation (HBE)

Modules: 9  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 9 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
- I  SuRe do - Avalance XM 118Kb
Breakbeat On Acid Avalance S3M 212Kb
Feel The Vibes! Avalance S3M 109Kb
Massive Style Avalance XM 328Kb
Morphing Avalance S3M 243Kb
Oxygen! Avalance XM 342Kb
Sadness Avalance S3M 135Kb
The Cathedral Avalance S3M 134Kb
Under Water Avalance S3M 315Kb

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