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Handle: MG
Real Name: Martin Grimme
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: M.G., Claw
Was a member of: Avantgarde (AVT), Dark Reign, Mad Monks, Neo (N!), Pulse, Savage (SVG), The Black Monks (TBM - BM), The Risk Inc. (The Risk - RISK), The Sunriders

Modules: 24  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 24 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
after eight MG MOD 121Kb
axis beat MG MOD 51Kb
blissard MG MOD 63Kb
bm intro 10 MG MOD 21Kb
bm_intro_4 MG MOD 43Kb
chip tecchhhno MG MOD 18Kb
coderdream MG MOD 7Kb
lucky waves MG MOD 35Kb
martin.g.15 MG STK 41Kb
modern tek MG MOD 40Kb
over the rainbow MG MOD 41Kb
passion MG MOD 45Kb
pour adeline MG MOD 19Kb
regal MG MOD 58Kb
revelation part i MG MOD 145Kb
revelation part ii MG MOD 134Kb
rocket MG MOD 89Kb
skylight MG MOD 104Kb
spacig MG MOD 64Kb
the change.sunsetsv MG MOD 94Kb
the real change MG MOD 102Kb
time_of_glory MG MOD 19Kb
transcendental MG MOD 117Kb
uaahh!!!version1 MG MOD 137Kb

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