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Barry Leitch 
Handle: Barry Leitch
Real Name: Barry Leitch
Lived in: United Kingdom Scotland
Ex.Handles: Baz, The Jackal, Imagitec Design
Was a member of: n/a

Modules: 257  online
Interview: Read!

.:: 257 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
(Airborne Ranger)airborneranger Barry Leitch STK 42Kb
(American Gladiator)gladiator Barry Leitch MOD 98Kb
(Back to the Future Part III)intro Barry Leitch MOD 49Kb
(Back to the Future Part III)level1 Barry Leitch MOD 19Kb
(Back to the Future Part III)level4 Barry Leitch MOD 14Kb
(Back to the Future Part III)pianogallery Barry Leitch MOD 22Kb
(Bonnie's Bookstore)music Barry Leitch XM 10613Kb
(Combo Racer)race Barry Leitch MOD 150Kb
(DNA Warrior)dna-ing Barry Leitch STK 71Kb
(European Champions)title Barry Leitch MED 70Kb
(Frankenstein_DFC)frankenstein Barry Leitch MOD 72Kb
(Frankenstein_DFC)frankensteincomplet Barry Leitch MOD 43Kb
(Frankenstein_DFC)frankensteinewscore Barry Leitch MOD 14Kb
(Frankenstein_DFC)frankensteinscore Barry Leitch MOD 23Kb
(Gadget Twins)complete Barry Leitch MOD 76Kb
(Gadget Twins)high Barry Leitch MOD 63Kb
(Gadget Twins)ice,0,22,25 Barry Leitch MOD 78Kb
(Gadget Twins)level1,0,15,18 Barry Leitch MOD 52Kb
(Gadget Twins)submarine,0,38,42 Barry Leitch MOD 54Kb
(Gadget Twins)toyland,0,25,28,33 Barry Leitch MOD 65Kb
(Gadget Twins)zep,0,020,23 Barry Leitch MOD 61Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwfinish Barry Leitch STK 34Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwhiscore Barry Leitch STK 13Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv1 Barry Leitch STK 10Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv1monster Barry Leitch STK 9Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv2 Barry Leitch STK 10Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv2monster Barry Leitch STK 2Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv3 Barry Leitch STK 7Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv4 Barry Leitch STK 12Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv4monster Barry Leitch STK 10Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv5 Barry Leitch STK 6Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv5monster Barry Leitch STK 8Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv6 Barry Leitch STK 14Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv6monster Barry Leitch STK 7Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv7 Barry Leitch STK 13Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwlv7monster Barry Leitch STK 8Kb
(Gemini Wing)gwtitle Barry Leitch STK 26Kb
(Gilbert)g-bonuslevel Barry Leitch STK 17Kb
(Gilbert)g-completion Barry Leitch STK 25Kb
(Gilbert)g-death Barry Leitch STK 16Kb
(Gilbert)g-fanfare Barry Leitch STK 18Kb
(Gilbert)g-goodbadugly Barry Leitch STK 20Kb
(Gilbert)g-hiscore Barry Leitch STK 25Kb
(Gilbert)g-lostgame Barry Leitch STK 16Kb
(Gilbert)gilbert-title Barry Leitch STK 33Kb
(Harlequin)Completion3 Barry Leitch MOD 41Kb
(Harlequin)finalwater1 Barry Leitch MOD 43Kb
(Harlequin)GotHeart Barry Leitch MOD 39Kb
(Harlequin)h23 Barry Leitch MOD 83Kb
(Harlequin)Ing1b Barry Leitch MOD 58Kb
(Harlequin)ing3 Barry Leitch MOD 44Kb
(Harlequin)Ing5 Barry Leitch MOD 52Kb
(Harlequin)Ing6 Barry Leitch MOD 50Kb
(Harlequin)jingle1 Barry Leitch MOD 26Kb
(Harlequin)jingle2 Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Harlequin)jingle3-Death Barry Leitch MOD 9Kb
(Hero Quest)baznewhero Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Hero Quest)ingame Barry Leitch MOD 12Kb
(Impossamole)hiscore Barry Leitch MOD 47Kb
(Impossamole)montyingame2 Barry Leitch MOD 33Kb
(Impossamole)title Barry Leitch MOD 60Kb
(Impossamole_DFC)HiScore Barry Leitch MOD 43Kb
(Impossamole_DFC)MontyInGame Barry Leitch MOD 32Kb
(Lethal Weapon)Boss Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 52Kb
(Lethal Weapon)game_end Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 47Kb
(Lethal Weapon)hi_score Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 39Kb
(Lethal Weapon)level_1 Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 44Kb
(Lethal Weapon)level_2 Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 43Kb
(Lethal Weapon)level_3 Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 46Kb
(Lethal Weapon)level_4 Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 37Kb
(Lethal Weapon)level_5 Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 33Kb
(Lethal Weapon)map Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 47Kb
(Lethal Weapon)title Barry Leitch & Dean Evans MED 62Kb
(Lothar Matthaus)title Barry Leitch MED 70Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)bootup Barry Leitch MOD 47Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)gameover Barry Leitch MOD 26Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle1 Barry Leitch MOD 24Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle2 Barry Leitch MOD 26Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle3 Barry Leitch MOD 15Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle4 Barry Leitch MOD 13Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle5 Barry Leitch MOD 14Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle6 Barry Leitch MOD 26Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle7 Barry Leitch MOD 16Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)jingle8 Barry Leitch MOD 21Kb
(Lotus Turbo Challenge 2)new Barry Leitch MOD 54Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-10 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-11 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-12 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-13 Barry Leitch MOD 10Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-ing Barry Leitch MOD 6Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j1 Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j2 Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j3 Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j4 Barry Leitch MOD 6Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j5 Barry Leitch MOD 6Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j6 Barry Leitch MOD 6Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j7 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j8 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-j9 Barry Leitch MOD 5Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-loader Barry Leitch MOD 70Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-title Barry Leitch MOD 41Kb
(Microprose Soccer)mps-tune2 Barry Leitch MOD 33Kb
(Pegasus)sadpegasus Barry Leitch MOD 116Kb
(Pegasus_DFC)pegasushiscore Barry Leitch MOD 140Kb
(Prophecy I)introduction Barry Leitch MOD 131Kb
(Prophecy I)loadingmusic Barry Leitch MOD 77Kb
(Prophecy I)monster1 Barry Leitch MOD 41Kb
(Prophecy I)monster2 Barry Leitch MOD 42Kb
(Prophecy I)monster3 Barry Leitch MOD 43Kb
(Prophecy I)monster4 Barry Leitch MOD 45Kb
(Prophecy I)monster5 Barry Leitch MOD 22Kb
(Prophecy I)monster6 Barry Leitch MOD 25Kb
(Prophecy I)monster7 Barry Leitch MOD 32Kb
(Prophecy I)monster8 Barry Leitch MOD 49Kb
(Prophecy I)monster9 Barry Leitch MOD 22Kb
(Prophecy I)prohpecy5 Barry Leitch MOD 22Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy1 Barry Leitch MOD 43Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy2 Barry Leitch MOD 47Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy3 Barry Leitch MOD 44Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy4 Barry Leitch MOD 46Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy6 Barry Leitch MOD 60Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy7 Barry Leitch MOD 48Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy8 Barry Leitch MOD 45Kb
(Prophecy I)prophecy9 Barry Leitch MOD 44Kb
(Prophecy I)scrolltune Barry Leitch MOD 32Kb
(Silk Worm)silkwormtitle Barry Leitch STK 31Kb
(Space Crusade)crusade-intro Barry Leitch MOD 79Kb
(Space Crusade)death2 Barry Leitch MOD 26Kb
(Space Crusade)medal Barry Leitch MOD 58Kb
(Space Crusade)new title Barry Leitch & Ian Howe MOD 80Kb
(Space Crusade)space-crusade-intro Barry Leitch MOD 22Kb
(Space Crusade)spaceing-piss Barry Leitch MOD 23Kb
(Stratego)stratego Barry Leitch MOD 46Kb
(Stratego)strategocomplet Barry Leitch MOD 30Kb
(Super Cars II)super-baz Barry Leitch MOD 38Kb
(Suspicious Cargo)newcargotitle Barry Leitch MOD 140Kb
(Suspicious Cargo)sinister Barry Leitch MOD 24Kb
(Switchblade II)hiscore Barry Leitch MOD 34Kb
(Switchblade II)sithcload2 Barry Leitch MOD 39Kb
(Switchblade II)swtit Barry Leitch MOD 100Kb
(T.F.X)intro Barry Leitch MED 161Kb
(T.F.X)loader_1 Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman MED 30Kb
(T.F.X)loader_2 Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman MED 50Kb
(T.F.X)lose_life Barry Leitch & Keith Tinman MED 51Kb
(T.F.X_DFC)anarchy.mod Barry Leitch MOD 168Kb
(The Humans - demo)humdemo Barry Leitch & Ian Howe MOD 16Kb
(The Humans)dintitxtradrums Barry Leitch MOD 83Kb
(The Humans)hiscore-mellow Barry Leitch MOD 87Kb
(The Humans)insertdiskbeat Barry Leitch MOD 32Kb
(The Humans)level3 Barry Leitch MOD 28Kb
(The Humans)level4 Barry Leitch MOD 39Kb
(The Humans)mongbongo Barry Leitch MOD 70Kb
(The Humans)new Barry Leitch MOD 56Kb
(The President is Missing)hail Barry Leitch STK 28Kb
(Treasure Trap)rowrow Barry Leitch MOD 103Kb
(Treasure Trap_DFC)ROWROW.MOD Barry Leitch MOD 103Kb
(Ultima 5)gitarytune Barry Leitch MOD 9Kb
(Universal Monsters)dracula Barry Leitch MED 17Kb
(Universal Monsters)dungeon Barry Leitch MED 21Kb
(Universal Monsters)egypt Barry Leitch MED 15Kb
(Universal Monsters)forest Barry Leitch MED 7Kb
(Universal Monsters)game_over Barry Leitch MED 12Kb
(Universal Monsters)title Barry Leitch MED 53Kb
(Utopia)utopia ingame1 Barry Leitch MOD 52Kb
(Utopia)utopia ingame2 Barry Leitch MOD 93Kb
(Utopia)utopia ingame3 Barry Leitch MOD 98Kb
(Utopia)utopia... Barry Leitch MOD 97Kb
(Xenophobe)impmiss Barry Leitch STK 52Kb
(Xenophobe)jointtime Barry Leitch STK 34Kb
(Xenophobe)life Barry Leitch STK 104Kb
(Xenophobe)mello Barry Leitch STK 25Kb
(Xenophobe)rockblues Barry Leitch STK 21Kb
(Xenophobe)shocked Barry Leitch STK 53Kb
(Xenophobe)shockway Barry Leitch STK 56Kb
(Xenophobe)tol Barry Leitch STK 56Kb
(Xenophobe)xen2 Barry Leitch STK 59Kb
(Xenophobe)xenophobe-title Barry Leitch STK 97Kb
(Xenophobe)xenthrash Barry Leitch STK 41Kb
(Xiphos)xiphosfinal Barry Leitch MOD 96Kb
(Zone Warrior)completion Barry Leitch MOD 69Kb
(Zone Warrior)crapzwtitle Barry Leitch MOD 99Kb
(Zone Warrior)danceofdeath Barry Leitch MOD 57Kb
(Zone Warrior)egyptian Barry Leitch MOD 70Kb
(Zone Warrior)egyptianmonster Barry Leitch MOD 15Kb
(Zone Warrior)egyptianrescue Barry Leitch MOD 48Kb
(Zone Warrior)future Barry Leitch MOD 56Kb
(Zone Warrior)futuregeek Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
(Zone Warrior)futurerescue Barry Leitch MOD 37Kb
(Zone Warrior)highscore Barry Leitch MOD 53Kb
(Zone Warrior)medievil Barry Leitch MOD 69Kb
(Zone Warrior)medievilmonster Barry Leitch MOD 77Kb
(Zone Warrior)medievilrescue Barry Leitch MOD 68Kb
(Zone Warrior)nucontrol Barry Leitch MOD 83Kb
(Zone Warrior)nuprehist Barry Leitch MOD 71Kb
(Zone Warrior)oriental Barry Leitch MOD 59Kb
(Zone Warrior)orientalmonster Barry Leitch MOD 61Kb
(Zone Warrior)orientalrescue Barry Leitch MOD 76Kb
(Zone Warrior)prehistoricmonster Barry Leitch MOD 61Kb
(Zone Warrior)prehistoricrescue Barry Leitch MOD 27Kb
Beachy Barry Leitch XM 1079Kb
Bonus Level 1 - Mushroom Barry Leitch XM 278Kb
Bonus Level 2 - Pirate Barry Leitch XM 360Kb
Bonus Level 3 - Space Barry Leitch XM 257Kb
BumpX Barry Leitch XM 485Kb
Cath1 Barry Leitch XM 1311Kb
Country1 Barry Leitch XM 396Kb
gods title remix Barry Leitch MOD 225Kb
Guitar1 Barry Leitch XM 2500Kb
Guitar2 Barry Leitch XM 1870Kb
House Barry Leitch XM 549Kb
jingle bells Barry Leitch MOD 13Kb
liverpool Barry Leitch MOD 18Kb
ll1 Barry Leitch MED 42Kb
ll4 Barry Leitch XM 32Kb
Lotus_2_Completion_Remix_1 Barry Leitch XM 94Kb
Lotus_2_Completion_Remix_2 Barry Leitch XM 83Kb
MALL Barry Leitch XM 712Kb
Mission1 Barry Leitch MED 44Kb
Mission2 Barry Leitch MED 43Kb
Mission3 Barry Leitch MED 37Kb
MissionSelect Barry Leitch MED 47Kb
premierleaguev2B Barry Leitch MOD 54Kb
scrolltune.short Barry Leitch MOD 13Kb
SoundFX Barry Leitch MED 31Kb
StartX Barry Leitch XM 1975Kb
Tecnic2 Barry Leitch XM 538Kb
Tecnic4 Barry Leitch XM 1287Kb
tgr1 Barry Leitch XM 109Kb
tgr2 Barry Leitch XM 108Kb
tgr3 Barry Leitch XM 108Kb
tgr4 Barry Leitch XM 108Kb
tgr5 Barry Leitch XM 112Kb
tgrjtit Barry Leitch XM 157Kb
tgrtit Barry Leitch XM 160Kb
Title Barry Leitch XM 111Kb
Tower Barry Leitch XM 106Kb
Town1 Barry Leitch XM 995Kb
Town4 Barry Leitch XM 736Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm1 Barry Leitch XM 255Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm2 Barry Leitch XM 490Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm3 Barry Leitch XM 444Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm4 Barry Leitch XM 581Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm5 Barry Leitch XM 468Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm6 Barry Leitch XM 580Kb
Twisted Edge adpcm7 Barry Leitch XM 527Kb
Twisted Edge title adpcm Barry Leitch XM 425Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-01 Barry Leitch XM 110Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-02 Barry Leitch XM 79Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-03 Barry Leitch XM 132Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-04 Barry Leitch XM 92Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-05 Barry Leitch XM 133Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-06 Barry Leitch XM 109Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-07 Barry Leitch XM 201Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-08 Barry Leitch XM 167Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-09 Barry Leitch XM 827Kb
twisted-edge-snowboard-10 Barry Leitch XM 207Kb
udrac Barry Leitch MED 17Kb

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