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Bay Tremore 
Handle: Bay Tremore
Real Name: currently not public
Lived in: Finland
Ex.Handles: Dr. Fruid, Duke, Corporal Clegg
Was a member of: AlphaForce (ARC), Balance (BLC), Eufrosyne, Frogs, Fusion (FSN), Haujobb (HJB), Loveboat (LUV), Mono211 (M211), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Most Valuable Playaz (Mo'Playaz - MVP), PARAGON, Scoopex (SCX), Target, The Lunatics (LNCS - LNS - Lunatics)

Modules: 68  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 68 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
8-o Bay Tremore MOD 4Kb
808 overdrive Bay Tremore XM 551Kb
aboriginal.remix Bay Tremore XM 19Kb
autumn Bay Tremore XM 166Kb
bango (bt d&b remix) Bay Tremore XM 308Kb
basement Bay Tremore MOD 260Kb
beats_2 Bay Tremore MOD 347Kb
beats_3 Bay Tremore MOD 400Kb
Brown shoe boogie Bay Tremore XM 209Kb
chip Bay Tremore MOD 2Kb
chipbeat Bay Tremore MOD 23Kb
Cloud Kindoms Bay Tremore XM 191Kb
crawford.station Bay Tremore XM 19Kb
crazy juice bt remix Bay Tremore XM 394Kb
Da burb Bay Tremore S3M 28Kb
Da burb Bay Tremore XM 25Kb
dA EliTeChiP Bay Tremore MOD 7Kb
dusty filters bt rmx Bay Tremore XM 132Kb
dwayne - part 2 Bay Tremore MOD 400Kb
fresh Bay Tremore MOD 244Kb
Funk Off! Bay Tremore S3M 87Kb
funky disco Bay Tremore MOD 219Kb
g-oldie Bay Tremore MOD 6Kb
gonapender Bay Tremore MOD 41Kb
humppa Bay Tremore MOD 1Kb
illusory cloud - rmx Bay Tremore XM 97Kb
in spades Bay Tremore XM 227Kb
Intro8c Bay Tremore XM 144Kb
klubbhopping remix Bay Tremore XM 348Kb
life on the lower st Bay Tremore XM 340Kb
loving_you_remix Bay Tremore MOD 563Kb
marjos Bay Tremore MOD 5Kb
moon Bay Tremore MOD 12Kb
My Zany World Bay Tremore XM 292Kb
Nickel-and-dime Bay Tremore XM 64Kb
Old times Bay Tremore MOD 9Kb
peed Bay Tremore MOD 7Kb
Pilips Bay Tremore S3M 51Kb
Pim Pom Bay Tremore XM 3Kb
pl-selector_tune Bay Tremore MOD 7Kb
pressure Bay Tremore XM 284Kb
r o c k Bay Tremore XM 2Kb
raybong Bay Tremore MOD 406Kb
reform Bay Tremore MOD 7Kb
rockin' steady Bay Tremore MOD 267Kb
roland Bay Tremore MOD 9Kb
roland part ii ... Bay Tremore MOD 5Kb
roll Bay Tremore MOD 3Kb
runner.theme Bay Tremore XM 458Kb
science fiction Bay Tremore XM 280Kb
sleepy2 Bay Tremore MOD 13Kb
Sounds of jungle Bay Tremore XM 152Kb
stella (edit 2.0) Bay Tremore XM 496Kb
summer n. Bay Tremore MOD 97Kb
surplus Bay Tremore MOD 73Kb
syntax_error Bay Tremore MOD 2Kb
taikakukkanen Bay Tremore MOD 5Kb
The Final Sting Bay Tremore S3M 199Kb
Transformers Bay Tremore XM 16Kb
transforming Bay Tremore MOD 2Kb
twilight.part II Bay Tremore XM 372Kb
twisted Bay Tremore XM 234Kb
way too high Bay Tremore XM 29Kb
Weed Bay Tremore XM 8Kb
Whatever Bay Tremore XM 201Kb
XXX Bay Tremore XM 158Kb
year 2001 Bay Tremore MOD 98Kb
__<#> surplus <#> Bay Tremore MOD 73Kb

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