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Handle: Beat
Real Name: Seth Peelle
Lived in: USA
Ex.Handles: Beatfox
Was a member of: Braindeath, Full Circle, Osmosys

Modules: 11  online
Interview: Read!

.:: 11 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
Aquatica Beat S3M 197Kb
Celestial Fantasia Beat S3M 251Kb
Hideous hardcore Beat FST 78Kb
Mind of a Dreamer Beat XM 357Kb
RuBBeR by BeaT BD Beat FST 79Kb
Satans Nightmare Beat FST 114Kb
The Anthem Of Agony Beat FST 67Kb
The sweet zeniths Beat FST 108Kb
Toxic disposal Beat FST 63Kb
What's the Catch Beat XM 175Kb
Z-ZONE Beat XM 107Kb

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