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Handle: PAM
Real Name: Aki Sopanen
Lived in: Finland
Ex.Handles: Piirakkamunalla, Piirakka, Sphinx
Was a member of: Blue Crystal, Circle (CiR), D-29, Da Jormas (.jRM - Jormas), Depth (DPT), Epilesbian, Fanatic (FNT - FNC), Mystic (MST), Styline, Zymosis (ZMO - ZMS)

Modules: 44  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: 1  online

.:: 44 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
!kakkamyrsky!mix DNA & PAM MOD 58Kb
accumulation PAM MOD 139Kb
an fet&a miini PAM MOD 50Kb
arsch,deine cickel PAM MOD 191Kb
artificial house PAM MOD 59Kb
compo? PAM MOD 60Kb
dA JoRMaS 10 Years PAM & Raatomestari & Vesuri & Zombie MOD 210Kb
da tonemonob itch PAM MOD 59Kb
da tonemonob itch PAM & Vesuri & Zombie S3M 154Kb
deep space 9 PAM MOD 136Kb
detroit experiments PAM MOD 44Kb
dick trace PAM MOD 111Kb
do-da-doo-remix PAM MOD 62Kb
dream de la jormah PAM MOD 73Kb
ethnic ambient PAM MOD 218Kb
exotic cyclopede PAM MOD 172Kb
flabbergaster PAM MOD 231Kb
holocaust-compoedit PAM MOD 218Kb
i'm in my dreams PAM MOD 122Kb
joulun kellot PAM MOD 181Kb
kolmilumikulmiosade PAM MOD 46Kb
kukkanen kedolla PAM MOD 33Kb
kukkanen kedolla ii PAM MOD 33Kb
lavender PAM MOD 158Kb
living_in_sin...... PAM MOD 123Kb
locked out PAM MOD 200Kb
locked out-intro PAM MOD 171Kb
marginal PAM MOD 25Kb
mind leap - editx PAM MOD 34Kb
mind mapper PAM MOD 95Kb
pahaa joulua. PAM & Raatomestari & Vesuri MOD 194Kb
pam-in-harmony PAM MOD 232Kb
pecucone PAM MOD 60Kb
petteri mutakuono PAM MOD 225Kb
puke_in_da_toilet PAM MOD 71Kb
pulsation PAM MOD 63Kb
relative cosmos PAM MOD 102Kb
shit_in_da_toilet PAM MOD 40Kb
synchronologie PAM MOD 113Kb
tangent 6.853 PAM MOD 69Kb
tonemono PAM MOD 9Kb
tre nox PAM MOD 15Kb
trip_is_an_lsd_exp. PAM MOD 168Kb
violet globe PAM MOD 81Kb

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