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Handle: Rash
Real Name: n/a
Lived in: Switzerland
Ex.Handles: DJ Rash
Was a member of: Crystal (CSL), Dylem (DLM), Optimal, Partek (PTK), Zenith (ZNT - Z)

Modules: 15  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 15 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
   <r> rash's <r> Rash MOD 244Kb
<r>ptk01 Rash MOD 230Kb
<r>ptk02 Rash MOD 210Kb
<r>ptk03 Rash MOD 159Kb
=|] trancemania [|= Rash MOD 149Kb
church Rash MOD 301Kb
cybertrance Rash MOD 84Kb
energy scope! Rash MOD 104Kb
jointrancodution Rash MOD 137Kb
menu tune Rash MOD 10Kb
new-year-1994-hc Rash MOD 121Kb
overtuned! [|= Rash MOD 145Kb
PARTEK-We go2 Rash XM 683Kb
prodigy's one love! Rash MOD 293Kb
|] mini-hardcore [| Rash MOD 26Kb

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