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Handle: Smeghead
Real Name: David Oranchak
Lived in: USA
Ex.Handles: Smeg, The Smeghead
Was a member of: Terraformer

Modules: 49  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 49 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
ad&aboc(gasm2) Smeghead S3M 15Kb
altchabbon Smeghead S3M 47Kb
another one over my head Smeghead S3M 298Kb
art or soup? Smeghead S3M 190Kb
brand x Smeghead S3M 152Kb
brittlestitch Smeghead S3M 361Kb
brothersome Smeghead S3M 194Kb
burden Smeghead S3M 552Kb
contact Smeghead IT 86Kb
corridor Smeghead S3M 550Kb
demo music reject Smeghead S3M 176Kb
Donovan's Carnival Smeghead S3M 325Kb
Dysfunction Smeghead S3M 424Kb
easyfront Smeghead S3M 84Kb
Effervescence Smeghead S3M 286Kb
epileptic machine Smeghead S3M 208Kb
filterless Smeghead S3M 95Kb
fish distances Smeghead IT 86Kb
full circle Smeghead S3M 99Kb
Generica Smeghead S3M 27Kb
insomnicus (smaller) Smeghead IT 91Kb
intro to reality Smeghead IT 239Kb
korsakoff's psychosis Smeghead S3M 317Kb
martian twilight Smeghead S3M 228Kb
mazola rodeo Smeghead S3M 176Kb
meathead Smeghead IT 90Kb
mechanisms Smeghead S3M 172Kb
mindstream Smeghead S3M 676Kb
opiate Smeghead S3M 173Kb
Parliament of Eternity Smeghead S3M 262Kb
planet Antichrist Smeghead S3M 356Kb
retroplexia Smeghead S3M 203Kb
Rivet Smeghead S3M 240Kb
sample attack Smeghead S3M 272Kb
Siphon III Smeghead S3M 275Kb
slow perpetuity Smeghead S3M 187Kb
smeg935 Smeghead S3M 10Kb
smegwho Smeghead IT 89Kb
sources & sorcerors Smeghead IT 194Kb
swineflight Smeghead S3M 138Kb
the paradox of monotony Smeghead S3M 183Kb
the turning Smeghead S3M 9Kb
The Universal Ones Smeghead S3M 100Kb
timepiece Smeghead S3M 313Kb
transition Smeghead S3M 496Kb
TwoSpace Smeghead S3M 407Kb
untrifled Smeghead S3M 236Kb
war cake Smeghead IT 342Kb
whee-gasm Smeghead S3M 9Kb

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