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Handle: Steinar
Real Name: Keith Baker
Lived in: United Kingdom
Ex.Handles: Steiner, Mr. Steiny, Steimar, Mr Steiny, Mr. Ed, Bum of Arse, Keef Baker
Was a member of: Alchemy, Alpha Flight (AFL), Astra, Dimension X (DMX), Grace (GRC - GCE), Hanissis Five (H5 - Hanny - Hanissis 5), Intense (ITS - I), Revenge (RVG), Sepultura (SPT), Slipstream (SLP)

Modules: 88  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 88 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
2sensations Steinar MOD 65Kb
3 Steinar MOD 51Kb
9k workout Steinar MOD 4Kb
alien bog brush.2 Steinar MOD 45Kb
awful vocals Steinar MOD 41Kb
black bogseat Steinar MOD 32Kb
bladder eaters Steinar MOD 39Kb
blind to the truth Steinar MOD 48Kb
bottle of sauce Steinar MOD 67Kb
bottom blaster Steinar MOD 28Kb
bouncy little git! Steinar MOD 68Kb
burning potty fluid Steinar MOD 48Kb
calm before dead Steinar MOD 48Kb
chip off the block Steinar MOD 1Kb
chips and anteater Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and bowels Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and cataract Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and colostomy Steinar MOD 2Kb
chips and curry Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and diminish  Steinar MOD 2Kb
chips and dog vomit Steinar MOD 2Kb
chips and dolphin  Steinar MOD 1Kb
chips and drums Steinar MOD 6Kb
chips and foxgit  Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and frenchman Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and fungus Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and headlock Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and jason Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and keyhole Steinar MOD 1Kb
chips and lawnmower Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and listeria Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and lobon Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and meringue Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and my anus Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and no timing Steinar MOD 2Kb
chips and piecrust Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and plaster Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and pogrong Steinar MOD 2Kb
chips and pricelist Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and sausage! Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and scales Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and socks Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and surgery Steinar MOD 7Kb
chips and tuneless Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and turkey Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and uhuruh Steinar MOD 4Kb
chips and vindaloo Steinar MOD 5Kb
chips and waltz Steinar MOD 3Kb
chips and ziggers Steinar MOD 6Kb
chips n drums Steinar MOD 5Kb
citadel Steinar MOD 26Kb
crushed dreams Steinar MOD 50Kb
daft shite sod arse Steinar MOD 42Kb
death metal spleen Steinar MOD 47Kb
defektris Steinar MOD 60Kb
dobbley blues Steinar MOD 12Kb
dont care at all Steinar MOD 48Kb
exploding monkeys Steinar MOD 30Kb
frash dinner Steinar MOD 42Kb
gamemap-2 Steinar MOD 12Kb
glory seeker Steinar MOD 33Kb
hello.are you dead Steinar MOD 22Kb
hypersausage Steinar MOD 60Kb
interest rates Steinar MOD 43Kb
introsongdeathsodpt Steinar MOD 41Kb
laughing at monkeys Steinar MOD 32Kb
mallard smith Steinar MOD 44Kb
mellow Steinar MOD 20Kb
metal invasion Steinar MOD 22Kb
octavity Steinar MOD 44Kb
piano punching Steinar MOD 26Kb
presence of mildew Steinar MOD 64Kb
purity Steinar MOD 82Kb
questionable birth Steinar MOD 39Kb
radiation sickness Steinar MOD 20Kb
rhinoceros rectum Steinar MOD 39Kb
silly fuckturd Steinar MOD 49Kb
skin chud Steinar MOD 46Kb
sudden shock Steinar MOD 30Kb
sympathy Steinar MOD 46Kb
temerity 91 Steinar MOD 46Kb
the chicken waltz Steinar MOD 30Kb
the fear Steinar MOD 40Kb
waltzing again Steinar MOD 29Kb
way off base Steinar MOD 35Kb
yardstick Steinar MOD 46Kb
you resemble Steinar MOD 38Kb
you suffer but why? Steinar MOD 27Kb

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