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Handle: TLS
Real Name: Mario Hasenkamp
Lived in: Germany
Ex.Handles: XTC, Enemy, Tekkless Spacehead, The Enemy, TIS
Was a member of: DOOM, Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Phuture 303 (P303), Rave Network Overscan (RNO - R.N.O.), Retire (RTR), Supreme (SPR)

Modules: 26  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 26 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
A_biT_biTch TLS MOD 231Kb
bar-b-q  the music! TLS MOD 60Kb
chipsi TLS & Octane MOD 4Kb
chipsie2 TLS & Octane MOD 4Kb
cLimaxX_001 TLS & Octane MOD 337Kb
dAily_sOap TLS MOD 20Kb
different waves TLS MOD 302Kb
eLectric_pEople! TLS MOD 317Kb
Ficksahne_im_Mund TLS MOD 314Kb
finalsound2 TLS MOD 24Kb
ho ho ho TLS & Octane MOD 24Kb
impulse you TLS MOD 171Kb
its hard to trance TLS MOD 359Kb
nEwschool?!short TLS MOD 10Kb
OIE_MAMA-dirty_mama TLS MOD 494Kb
pErihelion TLS MOD 364Kb
plutonium_239 TLS MOD 138Kb
pure motion #1 TLS MOD 516Kb
pure motion #2 TLS MOD 204Kb
pUre_fUnky_mOtion TLS MOD 436Kb
rEcord_sPin TLS MOD 361Kb
so good hardrave TLS MOD 27Kb
the last saga TLS MOD 326Kb
the last saga.long TLS MOD 436Kb
the taste of rave TLS MOD 253Kb

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