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Handle: Unix
Real Name: David Lovera
Lived in: Belgium
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Chryseis (CHS - CRS), Compact Inc., Hoodlum (HDL - HLM)

Modules: 22  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 22 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
01c2 Unix MOD 105Kb
acid Unix MOD 46Kb
calme2 Unix MOD 109Kb
chinatown Unix MOD 256Kb
colour my mind2 Unix MOD 167Kb
digital house3 Unix MOD 72Kb
dingeling Unix MOD 11Kb
fly Unix MOD 24Kb
guit Unix MOD 13Kb
happy_birthday Unix MOD 57Kb
happy_birthday_2 Unix MOD 16Kb
happy_birthday_3 Unix MOD 16Kb
Hoodlum (Gloom) Unix MOD 4Kb
iris Unix MOD 68Kb
legend Unix MOD 161Kb
oynika Unix MOD 149Kb
rose Unix MOD 9Kb
sphinx Unix MOD 88Kb
synosis Unix MOD 8Kb
the new world2 Unix MOD 127Kb
water whisper -1 Unix MOD 110Kb

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