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Handle: Uri
Real Name: Steve Bardouille
Lived in: United Kingdom
Ex.Handles: Buckwild
Was a member of: Chaos (CS), Cyanide, Damage (DMG), The Sound Craft

Modules: 20  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 20 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
4-seasons Uri MOD 117Kb
admirations Uri MOD 52Kb
analyse Uri MOD 65Kb
bumper-cars Uri MOD 75Kb
dont-drift Uri MOD 87Kb
drift Uri MOD 68Kb
excel Uri MOD 62Kb
jordan Uri MOD 46Kb
mellowmix Uri MOD 37Kb
Module Uri MOD 46Kb
not-ham Uri MOD 63Kb
oldtime Uri MOD 52Kb
smooth-jewel Uri MOD 68Kb
sounds_of_ilford! Uri MOD 65Kb
spooky Uri MOD 11Kb
summer-break Uri MOD 65Kb
summer-break! Uri MOD 65Kb
symphony1 Uri MOD 34Kb
they-blow Uri MOD 61Kb
yeah Uri MOD 42Kb

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