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Deep Throat 
Handle: Deep Throat
Real Name: Danny Mattissen
Lived in: Denmark
Ex.Handles: DT, D-T, Captain Zero, Cpt. Zero
Was a member of: Millennia Sound Lab (Millennia - MSL), Unilogics

Modules: 68  online
Interview: Read!
Pictures: n/a

.:: 68 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
Baby universe Deep Throat XM 336Kb
Baby Universe 2 Deep Throat XM 62Kb
Battle Arena title Deep Throat XM 540Kb
Behind enemy lines Deep Throat XM 272Kb
Blue planet Deep Throat XM 235Kb
breathing mars Deep Throat MOD 125Kb
Breathing Mars-remix Deep Throat XM 138Kb
candyman theme Deep Throat MOD 1Kb
Caves Deep Throat XM 67Kb
chip funk Deep Throat MOD 9Kb
Close encounter Deep Throat MOD 285Kb
COSMIC HEROES - MSL Deep Throat XM 589Kb
Cosmic Heroes-final Deep Throat XM 589Kb
dark empire Deep Throat XM 83Kb
Day of the Penguin Deep Throat XM 196Kb
Dicing with death Deep Throat XM 259Kb
Ditte Marie Deep Throat XM 102Kb
En glad melodi Deep Throat XM 129Kb
end it Deep Throat MOD 47Kb
Evasive action Deep Throat XM 298Kb
FAIRY DANCE Deep Throat XM 146Kb
FAIRY FANTASY Deep Throat XM 288Kb
Fairy fantasy II Deep Throat XM 207Kb
FAIRY FOLK Deep Throat XM 186Kb
FAIRYLAND - D. T Deep Throat XM 208Kb
Fant-Asia Deep Throat XM 257Kb
Femme Fatale - D.T Deep Throat XM 189Kb
Final Touch Deep Throat XM 104Kb
fishing junks remix Deep Throat MOD 132Kb
Girl in the Sun Deep Throat XM 185Kb
Groom Lake Deep Throat MOD 254Kb
HALLOWEEN 99 Deep Throat XM 467Kb
In Game # 1 Deep Throat MOD 61Kb
indian valley Deep Throat MOD 162Kb
Kinky Dinky Waltz Deep Throat XM 71Kb
last ninja 2097 Deep Throat MOD 109Kb
Levitation Deep Throat XM 167Kb
Living Mars Deep Throat MOD 58Kb
Lost in the jungle Deep Throat XM 300Kb
mars mission 2035 Deep Throat MOD 81Kb
midnight mansion 1 Deep Throat MOD 9Kb
midnight mansion 2 Deep Throat MOD 9Kb
miles of ocean Deep Throat MOD 64Kb
miles of ocean 2 Deep Throat MOD 78Kb
Monster-Monster Deep Throat XM 443Kb
Nintendo Generation Deep Throat XM 261Kb
Nostalgia Deep Throat MOD 13Kb
optimism part 2 Deep Throat MOD 131Kb
optimism part 3 Deep Throat MOD 122Kb
pierce quantum Deep Throat MOD 65Kb
Project Rainbow Deep Throat XM 368Kb
Recalling Mars Deep Throat MOD 51Kb
Return of Capt. Zero Deep Throat XM 67Kb
shalke the mermaid Deep Throat MOD 11Kb
sign_of_the_unicorn Deep Throat MOD 245Kb
Sounds Like Turrican Deep Throat MOD 62Kb
SPY Deep Throat XM 258Kb
Starportal Deep Throat XM 360Kb
Syntax Error Deep Throat XM 402Kb
The Moon and I Deep Throat MOD 102Kb
The Roswell message Deep Throat XM 222Kb
tropic treasury Deep Throat MOD 34Kb
Troubled child D.T Deep Throat XM 222Kb
twisted engine Deep Throat XM 17Kb
twisted engine Deep Throat MOD 20Kb
Wildwest Journey Deep Throat XM 169Kb

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