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Handle: Sole
Real Name: Soledad Penadés Comadrán
Lived in: Spain
Ex.Handles: Soledad Penades
Was a member of: The Lords of The Bits (TLOTB), Unknown Productions (Unknown - UNK), Xplsv pc

Modules: 130  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 130 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
(i am)tQOH-SOLE Sole XM 2381Kb
(I'm)shocked!-supers Sole XM 1589Kb
01345.2910.ffablah-sole Sole IT 120Kb
0x00CAFE _ sole Sole IT 3190Kb
10 years ago-s0le Sole XM 1241Kb
30 seconds till the end Sole IT 3486Kb
6;DOF; theme _ Sole Sole IT 1Kb
71st heaven - SOLE Sole IT 416Kb
71stgroovingheaven - SOLE Sole IT 350Kb
a haunted ... _ sole Sole IT 2139Kb
a song 4 a friend - sole Sole IT 3571Kb
a.b.r.i.l. - sole Sole XM 2Kb
AGRESIVA - sole Sole S3M 177Kb
AIDAAAAAAA_sole Sole IT 230Kb
Atardecer(juntoalmar)Sole Sole IT 4391Kb
bakalation++ - sole Sole IT 2590Kb
beethovenxpla5_sole Sole IT 469Kb
beq Sole IT 1643Kb
BEST DANCE STORY vol. 1 Sole S3M 459Kb
Beyond all Sole IT 2919Kb
broken minds_sole Sole IT 1393Kb
como mola_sole Sole IT 6Kb
counterincompatibleconfast Sole IT 112Kb
Crythical Time Sole IT 18Kb
Diving inside _ Sole Sole IT 1311Kb
el vuelo del grajo _ SOLE Sole IT 380Kb
elek3 _ sole Sole IT 1374Kb
enhance the nuance_sole Sole IT 841Kb
ethnic interlude-supers Sole IT 350Kb
excusas theme _ sole & srg Sole & Sergeeo IT 419Kb
extasia _ sole Sole S3M 385Kb
false poetry _ sole Sole IT 908Kb
fast made 3 Sole IT 1032Kb
fastkk _ sole Sole IT 301Kb
fuck away - supersole Sole IT 5106Kb
Funky Vibes _ Sole Sole IT 1128Kb
GaiaOne_S0le Sole XM 1638Kb
gotta find the point_sole Sole IT 5Kb
hard dreaming.demo Sole IT 1729Kb
hard dreamings Sole IT 1729Kb
HerecomesdaRADHGE!_SOLE Sole IT 1254Kb
huelga! _ sole Sole IT 680Kb
hyperaktive dancing_SOLE Sole IT 1494Kb
i feel alright _ sole Sole IT 2030Kb
in my island_sole Sole IT 2Kb
Instrumental III _ Sole Sole IT 2239Kb
instrumental one_sole Sole S3M 106Kb
Instrumental Two _ Sole Sole S3M 184Kb
It isn't true_SOLE'99 Sole IT 2388Kb
it's simpleX! _ Sole Sole IT 1705Kb
Jasmine Flowers _ Sole Sole IT 3162Kb
juei-diyukke_sole Sole IT 5Kb
Just One Little Duck_SOLE Sole IT 1208Kb
Kaleido-hello Sole XM 11Kb
ladrilloids . sole Sole IT 10Kb
LastNightInAtlantis_Sole Sole IT 1018Kb
LET'S BEAT'EM-sole Sole S3M 128Kb
lo peor _ hydrox & sole Sole IT 1162Kb
Loneliness_Sole Sole XM 2031Kb
m41d4 v4l3 - supersole Sole IT 11Kb
massafeina Sole IT 1157Kb
massafeina _ Sole.16bit Sole IT 1578Kb
ME&YOU _ SOLE Sole IT 331Kb
Melodia _ Sole Sole S3M 391Kb
minimalismo puro _ Sole Sole IT 357Kb
Mysterious Night Sole S3M 99Kb
Mythos [xtended] _ S0le Sole IT 2651Kb
Na-mi'o'ho (renge chi'a) R Sole IT 3298Kb
Na-mi'o'ho_Sole Sole XM 3009Kb
near the limits remix _ so Sole IT 1044Kb
near the limits_sole Sole XM 535Kb
NearTheLimits(FantasyRmx) Sole & Jacko IT 1659Kb
obscene monotone _ sole Sole IT 302Kb
odioalpubdeabajo _ sole Sole IT 175Kb
odioelpubdebajo _ sole Sole IT 174Kb
Overtheatmosphere_SOLE Sole IT 1482Kb
p4p1 Sole IT 770Kb
pikapikapolka_sole Sole IT 14Kb
pi^2! - sole Sole IT 1670Kb
pluja_lluvia_rain _ Sole Sole IT 2470Kb
Pos yo tb!     [Sole&Jcl] Sole & JCL IT 57Kb
Princesa sin reino Sole S3M 189Kb
progressivehypnotrance_sole Sole S3M 242Kb
pseudoflamencoparanoico_so Sole IT 485Kb
puni puni _ sole Sole IT 6Kb
quick christmas _ sole Sole S3M 26Kb
rebuild _ sole Sole IT 4Kb
Relaxintegerdamind Sole XM 3154Kb
resurrection ethmix-sole Sole IT 4722Kb
resurrection16b_sole Sole XM 4525Kb
ResurrectionSexyMix_sole Sole IT 5536Kb
robot style fast by sole Sole IT 1070Kb
semos los vengatas!_sole Sole IT 763Kb
Soledad Sole S3M 86Kb
SOLEDAD _ REMIX ' 97 Sole IT 272Kb
StarsAwakening_SOLE Sole IT 1516Kb
sun, moon & stars Sole IT 327Kb
SunnyDay_S0LE Sole XM 1607Kb
Superior REMIX_sole Sole IT 253Kb
SUPERIOR-supersole Sole S3M 202Kb
supernecrofashion-sole Sole IT 2150Kb
tacky - sole Sole IT 3499Kb
Teach Me _ Sole Sole IT 505Kb
That's for you - Sole Sole IT 382Kb
the battle - sole _ SH+F9! Sole IT 1975Kb
The Hunt _ Sole Sole IT 1Kb
the lovely song _ Sole Sole IT 3074Kb
the probe - supersole Sole IT 3394Kb
The Rising Sun Sole S3M 76Kb
The Transformator Sole IT 3228Kb
TheSpeecyPower_Sole Sole IT 1743Kb
TheyAreStillShining-Sole Sole IT 9491Kb
third reality - sole Sole IT 620Kb
tomorrow Sole IT 10757Kb
touch that _ Sole Sole IT 851Kb
trace vs sole_papi chulo Sole IT 772Kb
travelling around _ s0le Sole IT 837Kb
Tururu chimpum Sole IT 1Kb
Tururu chimpum! _ Sole Sole IT 1Kb
Unreal love Sole XM 297Kb
Unreal Love RMX Sole & Sharleen IT 632Kb
VLC091011 _ Sole Sole IT 14Kb
VLC091011 _ Sole.original Sole IT 16Kb
when i try to forget_sole Sole IT 411Kb
World of emotions Sole S3M 318Kb
you are so nice s+t Sole & Trace IT 6Kb
zezamoxplained_sole Sole IT 369Kb

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