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Handle: Stargazer
Real Name: Antti Oksanen
Lived in: Finland
Ex.Handles: Rufus, Isto, Tri Kuolema, Reckless, Queen Bee, Bang!, Mummo, Hansablaster, Stuntman, SGR, Sgr Muzaks Inc.
Was a member of: Alien Adenoids, Azure, Chablis, Complex (CLX), Delusion Design, Doom, Equinox (EQX), Euphoria (EPH), Extreme (E), Sonic (SON - SNC), Sonik Clique, Squad One, Stellar (STR), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), The Special Brothers (TSB), Vision-X, Zaxon

Modules: 205  online
Interview: Read!


          `n.          .rP'
           `qb       ,dP'
            TLb.  ,dMP'          all rite, now you get the chance to read
             TML.dMMP            some facts about some of the major amiga
          ,nmm`XXMPX              musicians. read about their history in 
       ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb.          the scene and their plans in future.yes, 
     ,d~'     dNNP `YNTb.       that's meant to be read while listening to  
    ,~       ,NN'     `YNb   their modules. read 'em over and over and over..
             dNP        `Yb.  
            ,NN'          `b.      · i  n  t  e  r  v  i  e  w  ·      ___________            
      ______dP                                _____________            \         /              
      \    ,N'\____   _____________.  _____   \            \_____.  ____\       /
       \___P___/  .\--\__    __/__ |--\____)---\        _____/__ |--\_   \    _/
        |     |   | \  |      | \__|   |  _     \      /    | \__|   |   /\   |
        |    _|   |    |     _l_       |  |      \    /    _l_       |     ___|
        l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\  /l___/===\______l____/

    Handle: Stargazer

    Group: Sonik Clique

    Date of birth: 22.9.1974

  • 1-How did your interest for computers start? Which year was that?

  • I guess it was in 1983 when I first played a cool bomber-game on MPF II.

  • 2-What machines did you previously have? What did you do with them?

  • My first computer was an MSX. I mainly played, but I wrote some simple
    basic-programs as well. In 1987 I got my Amiga 500.

  • 3-For what specific reason did you end up making music rather than gfx, coding?

  • Actually I've been making both music and gfx, the first one being my primary
    interest. And afterwards I felt I should've learned some coding, too. I
    started playing drums at the age of 11, but after a couple of years I wanted
    to write my own songs, and that's where the computer-music came in.

  • 4-Which composing programs have you been using? Which one in particular?

  • I'm still in love with Protracker 2.3...

  • 5-With which module did you feel you had reached your goal?

  • Hard to say. If I compare that with compo success, it is "Walkaway" -
    although I could name a lot of chip tunes that satisfy me as much.

  • 6-Is there a tune you would like not to remember? For What reason?

  • There are lots of them! It happens all the time that you work on a melody
    and have the feeling "sounds familiar, but I haven't heard that before
    anyway". I have made really lousy modules, often in a hurry, all along
    my career. But I'd rather want the other people to forget them. Somehow
    every piece is important to me.

  • 7-In your opinion, what's the value of a music in a demo, game?

  • A good song is more likely to save a boring demo than gfx or code, it's
    the soul. And I've been playing horrible games for hours just for the
    background music :)

  • 8-At present, are you still composing? For professional or leisure purposes?

  • Not very often, and for leisure purposes. But ideas still come every now or
    then, and I'd love to take part in a demo project. I've never had too much

  • 9-What do you think of today's pieces of music such as mpeg,wave,midi,etc...?

  • I prefer listening to vinyl records and old protracker-modules...

  • 10-Could you tell us some of your all times favourite tunes?

  • The first ones that came into my mind are "Eurovision Vision" by Unknown
    Artist; "Listen" and "Savage Fury" by Bruno and "Agnostic" by Oxide. Also
    tracks by Audiomonster and SLL which names I can't remember.

  • 11-Are you planning to make an audio cd with some of your music remastered?

  • Yes. The sound should be identical to the original 8-bit pieces.

  • 12-What bands are you currently listenning to?

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers, Herb Alpert, Antonio Carlos Jobim - to name a few.

  • 13-What does/did the amiga/c64 scene give you?

  • I learnt a lot of things that help me now with my profession.

  • 14-Are you still active in the scene these days?

  • To me, the finally dead scene was also buried about five years ago. Nowadays
    there's a bunch of friends keeping the Sonik spirit up.

  • 15-Anyone to greet? Anything left to say? Feel free...

  • Yep. Greets to Sonik family (and the rest of the 10 years partyposse). And
    to Commie (R.I.P.), Clawz and "to all we have forgotten"!

    please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2001 by crown of cryptoburners

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