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Handle: Tom
Real Name: Tom Gugger
Lived in: Austria
Ex.Handles: Tom Level
Was a member of: Anarchy pc (A), Manitou (MTU)

Modules: 13  online
Interview: Read!
Pictures: n/a


          `n.          .rP'
           `qb       ,dP'
            TLb.  ,dMP'          all rite, now you get the chance to read
             TML.dMMP            some facts about some of the major amiga
          ,nmm`XXMPX              musicians. read about their history in 
       ,#MP'~~XNXYNXTb.          the scene and their plans in future.yes, 
     ,d~'     dNNP `YNTb.       that's meant to be read while listening to  
    ,~       ,NN'     `YNb   their modules. read 'em over and over and over..
             dNP        `Yb.  
            ,NN'          `b.      · i  n  t  e  r  v  i  e  w  ·      ___________            
      ______dP                                _____________            \         /              
      \    ,N'\____   _____________.  _____   \            \_____.  ____\       /
       \___P___/  .\--\__    __/__ |--\____)---\        _____/__ |--\_   \    _/
        |     |   | \  |      | \__|   |  _     \      /    | \__|   |   /\   |
        |    _|   |    |     _l_       |  |      \    /    _l_       |     ___|
        l___/=l___|====l____/===\______|==l______|\  /l___/===\______l____/

    Handle: Tom

    Group: Manitou, Anarchy PC

    Date of birth: 10/10/73

  • 1-How did your interest for computers start? Which year was that?

  • My dad started selling computers in the early 80's - I got involved in bout
    '82 - started playing around with very very trashy computers like the
    trs-80 and genie III - I started playing around with a computer called
    colour genie which was similar to the c64 - it had color and sound and I
    was starting my interest in producing my own music.

  • 2-What machines did you previously have? What did you do with them?

  • I worked with alphatronic, trs80, colour genie III, c64, c128, a500, a1200,
    pc with dos + 5 mhz(!!), later the usual stuff 80086 + later standard pc. I
    still have most of the vintage machines except the a500, my a1200 is still
    standing in my office.

  • 3-For what specific reason did you end up making music rather than gfx, coding?

  • I was interested in gfx but imo it was too time consuming, and coding was
    too hard ;)

    I was always interested in electronic music previously so it was my main
    goal producing own tracks

  • 4-Which composing programs have you been using? Which one in particular?

  • My first music program was on the colour genie which name I cant remember.

    On the c64 I used funky drummer a lot.

    Then on the amiga first aegis sonix and most of the time noisetracker.

    On pc I worked with ft2, later I bought myself some midi equipment (synths,
    samplers, fx) and used cakewalk. Since 2 years i'm working with buzztracker
    as I always felt home as a tracker.

  • 5-With which module did you feel you had reached your goal?

  • Cant remember - I made plenty of mods and most of them werent finished :)
    I got good + many resonance on raverain.xm which was a happy hardcore remix.
    I scored 3rd place with my amiga mod "tom's technology" on a demoparty.

  • 6-Is there a tune you would like not to remember? For what reason?

  • Nope afaik I didnt release mods which were embarassing :)

  • 7-In your opinion, what's the value of a music in a demo, game?

  • As a musician the music of course was my favourite part in a demo.
    About games I cant tell as I never was a big gamer (except my c64 times) :)

  • 8-At present, are you still composing? For professional or leisure purposes?

  • I never gave up composing, currently i'm trying to step from leisure into
    professional producing.

    Since i've been using buzz I could back my old skills I had in my amiga
    times, as buzztracker is very flexible and intuitive to work with, bringing
    professional quality. Since that time i'm 'practizing until i'm sure that
    it's good enough to get released :)

  • 9-What do you think of today's pieces of music such as mpeg,wave,midi,etc...?

  • I was pretty enthuastic when I saw what mpeg can do - I dont buy any cds
    anymore for about 5 years.

    About wave - i'm using it as format for my sample library.
    midi: I worked for about 3 years with midi but wasnt very happy about it.

    It's like coding and imo not possible to work as fast as with a tracker
    with. I guess its just me.

  • 10-Could you tell us some of your all times favourite tunes?

  • Demoscenewise - I cant really remember my favourites anymore - I loved the
    trax from the 'famous' rsi + budbrain demos but also all other
    techno-acidrelated tunes. I mainly have 'professional' favourites like
    'visions of love' from intrance feat. d-sign or acid air raid from
    spacepirates - well I have too much favourites to mention :)

  • 11-Are you planning to make an audio cd with some of your music remastered?

  • Yes. very soon hopefully. But I guess it will rather be vinyl as i'm
    producing funky house at the moment.

  • 12-What bands are you currently listenning to?

  • Mostly acts like olav basoski, joey negro, bob sinclar and many other
    funkyhouse producers.

    I still love ebm/electro music with bands like covenant, tumor, vnv nation
    which I used listening to until about 3 years ago.

  • 13-What does/did the amiga/c64 scene give you?

  • A lot of fun with arcade games + sweet old memories and of course the spirit :)

  • 14-Are you still active in the scene these days?

  • No. I quit in about 1997 but continued making amiga mods until 1998. Then I
    continued with composing.

  • 15-Anyone to greet? Anything left to say? Feel free...

  • I greet all my friends which might still be active in the scene: n-joy +
    the guys from italy, Ice from france, Keith303 from germany + all others I
    forgot - it was a nice time + big respect to the active sceners which keep
    the spirit alive.

    please note: this interview is ©opyrighted in 2003 by crown of cryptoburners

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