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Composer's Database 

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

AMP's concern is to update our composers database as frequently as possible. Therefore, you are able to check our newest update and browse it. All musicians that used tracker programs for composing music scores are listed here. Thus, if you don't see your name please email us and you'll be included in the database very soon. Remember that not only sound/noise/protacker module composers are listed here! Please contact us for any misspellings and/or missing information.

.:: More than 50 Hits ::.

Handle: MineBrandon
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mineon
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Night of Sounds

Handle: Minesota
Real Name: n/a
Country: USA
Groups: Arnow Productions (Arnow - ARN)

Handle: Ming
Real Name: Mattias Inghe
Country: Sweden
Groups: DISC

Handle: MingGrey
Real Name: Mei-Ling Grey
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Shattered Fixtures

Handle: Mingo
Real Name: Eduardo Motta
Country: Brazil
Groups: n/a

Handle: Miniu
Real Name: n/a
Country: Poland
Groups: Zakrwaviska

Handle: Mink
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: Klaxon

Handle: Minko
Real Name: Grzegorz Pomiotlo
Country: Poland
Groups: n/a

Handle: Minomus
Real Name: Antti Maentysaari
Country: Finland
Groups: DOMU, FGCC, Gaze, Jamm

Handle: Minor Disaster
Real Name: n/a
Country: Australia
Groups: Frontier

Handle: Minou
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Minstrel
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Excess, Fiction (FCN)

Handle: Mintus
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: n/a

Handle: Minus
Real Name: n/a
Country: France
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mippydi
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mips
Real Name: Marek Holewinski
Country: Poland
Groups: Crazy Drivers, Electrocute, Experts (EPS), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI)

Handle: Miracle Man
Real Name: Asbjørn N. Grini
Country: Norway
Groups: Humanoids (HMN), Scope, Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL), The Arcadia Team (TAT)

Handle: Miraculix
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: APPENDIX, Skyboys

Handle: Mirage
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Analogue (ANA), Ramp

Handle: Mirifice
Real Name: Joakim
Country: Sweden
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mirko
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Oxylon

Handle: Miroovek
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mirror
Real Name: Tuomo Korhonen
Country: Finland
Groups: Symptom, Synthesis

Handle: Mirrorman
Real Name: Dirk Johan
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: The Feigling Crew (TFC)

Handle: Mis
Real Name: n/a
Country: Denmark
Groups: n/a

Handle: Misagn
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Evacue (EVC), Indy, Instinct (ITC - INT), Orb, Psionic (PSI)

Handle: Misanthropy
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mise
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Cave, PanzerFaust (PF)

Handle: Misfit
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Misha
Real Name: Michal Zaleski
Country: Poland
Groups: Armagedon, Asphyx, Erotic Design (ERC), Illusion (ILS - ILL), Tatanka (TTK)

Handle: Miss Saigon
Real Name: Jackie Smith-Kivimäki
Country: Finland USA
Groups: Threesome

Handle: Missing Organ
Real Name: Jarl Christian Holt
Country: Norway
Groups: Hapax Legomenon, Hardcore Power Productions (HPP), Shadows Of The Underground (SOTU - ST), Total Eclipse (TE)

Handle: Mist
Real Name: Greg Spira
Country: USA
Groups: Mazurka

Handle: Mist
Real Name: n/a
Country: Denmark

Handle: Mistake
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: Darkzone

Handle: Mister Byte
Real Name: Lobsang Vögel Alvites Szaler
Country: Peru
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mister Dope
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: The Peace Brothers (TPB)

Handle: Mister Mister
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mister Music
Real Name: n/a
Country: Hungary
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mister No
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: Mister No Inc.

Handle: Mister Unknown
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mister Weed
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: SMOS

Handle: MisterBla
Real Name: Axel Stabursvik
Country: Norway
Groups: MAH Music

Handle: Mistix
Real Name: n/a
Country: Australia
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mistluren
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Syntax Terror (STE)

Handle: Misty
Real Name: Jesper Sebastian Klarin
Country: Sweden
Groups: Blitz, Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Shining

Handle: Misulator
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: n/a

Handle: Misutka
Real Name: Michal Zeman
Country: Czech Republic
Groups: n/a

Handle: Mitch
Real Name: Michael Nilsson-Vonderburgh
Country: Sweden
Groups: Abyss (AYS), Asia, Crest c64 (C), Dynamix (DNX), Fairlight (FLT), Life/Riffs, Software of Sweden (SOS), Triad (3AD), Triumph (TRI)

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