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Handle: Doko E.
Real Name: Lennart Hellinger
Country: Germany
Groups: Incal (ICL), Maximum (MxM), Resolution, Scoopex (SCX), The Electronic Knights (TEK), Vision Inc.

Handle: Doktor
Real Name: Michal Horodyski
Country: Poland
Groups: Investation (INV), Skulls (SKS)

Handle: Doktor Jeep
Real Name: n/a
Country: Canada
Groups: n/a

Handle: Doktor Meltdown
Real Name: n/a
Country: USA
Groups: Think Dream Wonder Ponder (TDWP)

Handle: Doktor Noise
Real Name: n/a
Country: Italy
Groups: Advanced Rhythm Technologies (ART)

Handle: Dolby
Real Name: David Ramirez
Country: Spain
Groups: Balance Spain, Cool-X, Crucial, Darkness (DKS), Fusion (FSN), Paradise (PDS - PRD - PDE - PSE), Skillion (SKN)

Handle: Dolby
Real Name: Jan Ove Kjøndal
Country: Norway
Groups: Agurk, Image Dreams (ID)

Handle: Dolby
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: BionFX

Handle: Dolby
Real Name: Mattias Augustson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Ambient, Aurora, Obscene (OBS)

Handle: Dollsteak
Real Name: n/a
Country: USA
Groups: 7YNIVF Music (TYNIVF Music)

Handle: Dolmed
Real Name: Jan Kristian Hagen
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Dolphin
Real Name: Anders Ramsay
Country: Sweden
Groups: Noxious (NXS), Phew! Productions

Handle: Dolt
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Mirage International (Mirage Int.), Ydex

Handle: Dom
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Arise (ARS), Coma (CMA), Reality (RTY), Skid Row (SR - SKR), Visdom

Handle: Dom
Real Name: Dominic Cresswell
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Abandoned Uranium Workings

Handle: Dom 4
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: Ipec Elite (IPEC - IE)

Handle: Domag
Real Name: Pawel Domagala
Country: Poland
Groups: n/a

Handle: Domin 8
Real Name: Gary
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Digital Boys (DBI)

Handle: Dominator
Real Name: Igor Djordjevic
Country: Serbia
Groups: Corrosion (CRS - COR - CRSN)

Handle: Dominator
Real Name: Lionel Deri
Country: France
Groups: Union Satanik Amiga (USA)

Handle: Domine
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Dominei
Real Name: Reid Hauke Tønnesen
Country: Norway
Groups: Boozoholics (BZH), Click, Dolphin, Illusion (ILS - ILL), Inferiors (INF), SKiM, Spaceballs (SPB - SB - SPC), Twilight Zone (TTZ)

Handle: Dominic
Real Name: n/a
Country: Belgium
Groups: n/a

Handle: Dominic
Real Name: Jani Kokkala
Country: Finland
Groups: Artemis (ART), D-29, Electromotive Force (EMF), Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Zeroline (ZL)

Handle: Dominik
Real Name: currently not public
Country: USA
Groups: n/a

Handle: Dominion
Real Name: Mike Chisari
Country: USA
Groups: ARCANA

Handle: Dominique
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Setup

Handle: Dominique Gillis
Real Name: Dominique Gillis
Country: France
Groups: n/a

Handle: Dominique Lengy
Real Name: Dominique Lengy
Country: France
Groups: n/a

Handle: Domino
Real Name: n/a
Country: USA
Groups: Time Productions

Handle: Domino
Real Name: Dominik Mikoajczak
Country: Poland
Groups: Mad Elks (MDE)

Handle: Domino
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: n/a

Handle: Domino-D
Real Name: Fredrik
Country: Sweden
Groups: Virtual (VTL)

Handle: Domm
Real Name: Dominik Bohn
Country: Germany
Groups: Animal Mine st

Handle: Don
Real Name: n/a
Country: Denmark
Groups: 7 Up Crew (Seven Up - 7UP), Trilogy (TGY - T)

Handle: Don Bero
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: The Andromeda Crew 2 (TAC-2 - TAC-II)

Handle: Don Cato
Real Name: Werner Berg
Country: Norway
Groups: Cannabis (CBS), Exile, Frumps, Slack, Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL)

Handle: Don Diavolo
Real Name: Bartek Wróblewski
Country: Poland
Groups: Blaze (BLZ)

Handle: Don Dini
Real Name: n/a
Country: Switzerland
Groups: ATL, Partek (PTK), Synthetic, TCR

Handle: Don Doringo
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: n/a

Handle: Don DZ
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: n/a

Handle: Don Howard
Real Name: Howard
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: n/a

Handle: Don Knatte
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: CHAOS, The Maffia (Maffia)

Handle: Don Lewis
Real Name: Don Lewis
Country: USA
Groups: n/a

Handle: Don Martin
Real Name: Martin Lehmann
Country: Germany
Groups: Mash! Productions (Mash!), Tekkno Team

Handle: Don Martini
Real Name: Mika Kivela
Country: Finland
Groups: Anaheim (ANH), Anjovis Sisters, Damones (DMS), Mobile (MBL), Simplex Inc. (Simplex - SPX)

Handle: Don Soft
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: n/a

Handle: Don Vito
Real Name: n/a
Country: Spain
Groups: Senco

Handle: Don Whitaker
Real Name: Don Whitaker
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: n/a

Handle: Donald
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Limited Edition (LED - L.E.D.), The Strangers (STR)

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