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Found (for Norway  in country)
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Handle: Necro
Real Name: Martin Andersen
Country: Norway
Groups: Cadaver (CDR)

Handle: Nek'Sta
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Illegal Arts

Handle: Neoblaze
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Neon
Real Name: Kai-Robert Torsberg
Country: Norway
Groups: Deadline (DLN - DDL), Fantasy (FSY)

Handle: Nerdsjefn
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: X-Reflex

Handle: Nesquick
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Nethead
Real Name: Per Arne Kobbevik
Country: Norway
Groups: Equinox (EQX), Frogs, Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Nomad Productions, Pleasure (PLS)

Handle: Neuratix
Real Name: ??? Lorents
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Neurotic
Real Name: Kjetil Herheim Johannesen
Country: Norway
Groups: Cyberstate

Handle: NeuteK
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Void

Handle: Nexus
Real Name: Steffen Isene
Country: Norway
Groups: FadeOut (FDT - FO), Kosmic Free Music Foundation (KFMF), Replicas

Handle: Nexus
Real Name: Alexey Zolotukhin
Country: Norway
Groups: Arclight, Cloud Number 9 (Cloud 9 - CNN - Cloud Nine), Level-D (LVD), Pure Resistance

Handle: Nightcrawler
Real Name: Thomas Sandberg
Country: Norway
Groups: EON

Handle: Nightflight
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Abandon (ABN), Animate!, Motion (MTN), Subway, Surprise!Productions (S!P)

Handle: Nighthawk
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Cadaver (CDR), Visual Bytes (VB)

Handle: Nightwolf
Real Name: Hans Petter Flaaten
Country: Norway
Groups: Absolute! (ABS - ABS!), Ambition, Ancient, BollisTeam, Earomics, Funfair, Loff, Smult-Klanen

Handle: Nimitz
Real Name: Herbjørn Risan
Country: Norway
Groups: Humanoids (HMN), The Arcadia Team (TAT)

Handle: Nique
Real Name: Henning Hafstad
Country: Norway
Groups: Bollox, Energy Source, Proxima (PRX), Xpose

Handle: NiTech
Real Name: Simon Pedersen
Country: Norway
Groups: FadeOut (FDT - FO)

Handle: Nldsr
Real Name: Inge Jørgensen
Country: Norway
Groups: FadeOut (FDT - FO), Low Frequency Neenjas (LFN)

Handle: NogSF
Real Name: Johanne Skjerven
Country: Norway
Groups: Ewox, Kamelite, Level-D (LVD), Tundra

Handle: Noise Reduction
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Wizzcat (WZC)

Handle: Nosferatu
Real Name: Geir Are Skjeret
Country: Norway
Groups: Network (NET - NWK), Offence (OFF!), Opec, Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), Team-X, The Giants (TGS), The Silents (TSL)

Handle: Nyco
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Foam

Handle: O. Utne
Real Name: Olve Utne
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Oce
Real Name: Kim Andre Erikssen
Country: Norway
Groups: Index, NuCLear, Pimp, Proxima (PRX), Sublogic, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Octoplex
Real Name: Christer
Country: Norway
Groups: Anarchy (A), Dual Crew (DC), Gate, Onyx (ONX), Palace (PLC), Quartex (QTX), Scoopex (SCX), Skid Row (SR - SKR), Spirit (SPT), Theatre, Vision (VSN)

Handle: Off
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Ambient A

Handle: Oistein Eide
Real Name: Øistein Johan Eide Jr.
Country: Norway
Groups: Cryptoburners (CRB), Maniacs of Noise (MON), Poison, The Band (TB), The Errors (Errors), The Silents (TSL), Vision Factory (VF)

Handle: Ola Leikarnes
Real Name: Ola Leikarnes
Country: Norway
Groups: Halfmoon Prod.

Handle: Olorin
Real Name: Ivar Just Olsen
Country: Norway USA
Groups: Cryptoburners (CRB)

Handle: Omen
Real Name: Lars Ivar Haave
Country: Norway
Groups: Axend, Dexion (DXN), Violence (VLC)

Handle: OMS
Real Name: Ole Martin Sandaker
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: On
Real Name: Jan A. Risan
Country: Norway
Groups: Ambient A

Handle: OnkelAfro
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Optic
Real Name: Hans Ingar Johansen
Country: Norway
Groups: Awe, Banana Dezign (BDZ - BD), Desire (DSR), Devils (DVS - DEV), Domestic, Dominants, Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Focus Design (FD - FCS), Planet Jazz (PJZ), Replay, Shamrock, Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL), Talent pc (TLN - TLT - TAL), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Theralite, Tokyo Dawn Records (TDR), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Optimize
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Oracle
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: New Wave (NW)

Handle: Orion
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Crusaders (CRS)

Handle: Orome
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Talent pc (TLN - TLT - TAL)

Handle: OsiRuS
Real Name: Carl Olav Severeide
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Out of the Ordinary
Real Name: Rune Bjerke
Country: Norway
Groups: Darkzone

Handle: Outzider
Real Name: Christer Børge Lunde
Country: Norway
Groups: Darkzone, Imagina, The Pornos

Handle: Oystein Eliassen
Real Name: Øystein Eliassen
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Oystein Klosteer
Real Name: Øystein Klosteer
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Ozzy
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: The Cartel (Cartel)

Handle: Øivind Rosvold
Real Name: Øivind Rosvold
Country: Norway
Groups: n/a

Handle: Paddywack
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Giants (GTS), Immune

Handle: Paithan
Real Name: Paul René Jørgensen
Country: Norway
Groups: Depth (DPH - DTH)

Handle: PaladiN
Real Name: Kenneth Jensen
Country: Norway
Groups: FadeOut (FDT - FO)

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