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Found (for Legion (LGN) in groupid)
.:: 8 Hits ::.

Handle: Brouil
Real Name: Grzegorz Salaga
Country: Poland
Groups: Debrouiller, Legion (LGN), Union (UNN)

Handle: Lazer
Real Name: n/a
Country: Poland
Groups: Legion (LGN)

Handle: Myzer
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: Legion (LGN)

Handle: Ramosa
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Denmark
Groups: Asylum, Connection, Legion (LGN), Oblivion (OBL), Passion (PSN), Perplex (PLX), Spoon (SPN)

Handle: Revisq
Real Name: Patryk Gegniewicz
Country: Poland
Groups: Anadune (AND), Appendix (APX - APD), Few Unfothomed Scriptural Exclusions (FUSE - FSE), Floppy (FLP - Flopi), Hellcore, Latajace Majty Team, Legion (LGN), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), Monar Records, Mosaic, Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Nasa (NSA), Orbit, Pic Saint Loup (PSL), Przyjaciele Stefana B (PSB), Scum (SCM), Suspend (SPD), The GRiD (GRID), X-Tension (XTE)

Handle: Tarantula
Real Name: Paavo Härkönen
Country: Finland
Groups: Legion (LGN)

Handle: Tengu
Real Name: Tomasz Kurwoski
Country: Poland
Groups: Legion (LGN), Rektum (RKM)

Handle: Zombie
Real Name: Paweî Zabek
Country: Poland
Groups: APC, Creatures, Fire, Legion (LGN)

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