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Found (for Newtype in groupid)
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Handle: Ferdinand
Real Name: Philippe Padonou
Country: France
Groups: Eremation (ERM), Newtype, Opus Mag, Steelers (STLS), The Master Guru Meditation (TMGM)

Handle: Seb
Real Name: Sébastien Rabaté
Country: France
Groups: Delight (DLT), Illi Recentes ImperatoreS (IRIS - IRS), Newtype

Handle: Thanatos
Real Name: Daniel Dimitrijevic
Country: France R.I.P.
Groups: Avenger (AVG), Demons, M8 Crew, Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Newtype, OMICRON, Pure Metal Coders (PMC - P.M.C.), XIRC-325

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