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Found (for Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws) in groupid)
.:: 11 Hits ::.

Handle: Arpegiator
Real Name: Fabrice Gillet
Country: Belgium
Groups: Anarchy (A), Bad Trip, Chryseis (CHS - CRS), Endless Piracy (EP), Fusion (FSN), Hoodlum (HDL - HLM), Imphobia (IMP), Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), Paradise (PDS - PRD - PDE - PSE), Skid Row (SR - SKR), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), Vicious (VCS)

Handle: Biscrok
Real Name: Niklas Hedlund
Country: Sweden
Groups: Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), Pro Arts (P^A - PA), Subway, Subway and Spreadpoint (SSP), Supplex (SX - SPX)

Handle: Boone
Real Name: Sven Thomas Nilsson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Bad Karma (BK), Cascade 1733 (CASCADE - CSD - CSE), Crux (CRX), Defiance (DFC), Depth (DPH - DTH), Eltech (ELT), Friendship in Action (FTN - Faction), Hellfire (HF), Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws)

Handle: Chrome
Real Name: Torbjørn Norbye
Country: Norway
Groups: Escape, Exit, Northstar (NS - NTH - North Star), Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), The Silents (TSL), Werwolves

Handle: Dalamar
Real Name: n/a
Country: Norway
Groups: Escape, Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), The Amiga Superiors (TAS)

Handle: Draven
Real Name: Mick Johansen
Country: Denmark
Groups: 7HL, Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws)

Handle: Exen
Real Name: Espen Eide
Country: Norway
Groups: Escape, Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws)

Handle: Hardraver
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Germany
Groups: Hypnotic (HPN - HYC), Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws)

Handle: Moonboot
Real Name: Rune
Country: Denmark
Groups: Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), Subagents

Handle: MRX
Real Name: n/a
Country: France
Groups: Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws)

Handle: YP MP
Real Name: Oliver Gollanek
Country: Germany
Groups: Avocado (AVC), Desert (DST), ESG-242 (ESG 242 - ESG), K!nky (KKY - Kinky), Outlaws (OTW - OTL - The Outlaws), Submission (SBS - -S-)

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